Meteorological data is captured at the environmental monitoring site at Sourhope. This data is part of a long term monitoring study, Environmental Change Network (ECN), which aims to identify environmental changes and to distinguish short-term fluctuations from long term trends. Many other variables such as atmospheric chemistry, soil solution chemistry, water chemistry, vegetation, and soil properties are routinely measured.
For more information and a full site description please visit the ECN website.
Latest Readings
Air Temperature (°C) |
Relative Humidity (%) |
Incoming Global Radiation (W m-2) |
Reflected Global Radiation (W m-2) |
Net Radiation (W m-2) |
Soil Temperature at 10cm (°C) |
Soil Temperature at 30cm (°C) |
Soil Moisture Content (%VWC) |
Wind Speed (m s-1) |
Wind Direction (°) |
Rainfall (mm h-1) |
Readings from the last 7 days and what do they mean?
Air temperature
Air temperature is strongly influenced by wind speed and direction. In general terms peak temperatures are recorded on sunny days with low wind-speed. When strong, northerly winds dominate temperatures fall away and may dip well below freezing. There are strong seasonal effects with warm summers and cooler winters.
Net solar radiation
Net solar radiation is the balance between the incoming and outgoing radiation from the sun. Solar radiat
ion can be reflected or absorbed. Generally light coloured surfaces, for example snow, are more reflective than darker surfaces such as soil or vegetation. Surfaces that absorb radiation may subsequently release it.
Net solar radiation at our sites will generally be high during the day and low at night and higher in summer (due to day length) than winter.
The quantity and duration of rainfall during wet periods directly impacts on soil moisture and humidity. Rainfall delivered as a result of heavy showers may not have time to soak into the ground and may run relatively quickly into water courses quickly raising the water levels. Lighter, more persistent rain is likely to soak into the ground, raise the soil moisture and take longer to reach surface waters.
Relative humidity
The higher the relative humidity value the more moisture is in the air. When it is raining, misty and foggy relative humidity is 100%.
Soil moisture
This data is considered along with soil temperature and rainfall as measurements that influence the degree of biological activity and chemical processes that take place in the soil. Dry soils, particularly peat, become prone to cracking and the soil structure can change due to wetting/drying cycles and freeze thaw cycles.
Soil temperature
This data is usually related to soil moisture as both measurements influence the degree of biological activity and chemical process that take place in the soil. When soils are warmed, activity increases influencing decomposition rates. Root growth is generally faster in warmed soil.
Wind direction
Northerly winds bring cooler air from the arctic regions and there is usually a corresponding drop in air temperature. The predominant air flow is from the West carrying moist but relatively mild air from the Atlantic.
Wind speed
As the strength of the wind increases there will be an impact on plants, animals, property and people. Strong winds, particularly Northerly winds, will reduce the air temperature and there will be more significant wind chill making it feel cold.