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Pedologist’s report – Soil characteristics for "Sandy"


Regosol/Brown Calcareous Soil


Young by Scottish standards


Coastal locations

Preferred soil functions:

Often used for recreation (golf) in the east, but is the mainstay of many crofting communities in the west (machair). Has a strong natural and cultural heritage dimension.


Depth can vary and the soil is prone to serious erosion


Yellow brown, with a darker shallow surface


Very loose and soil is prone to wind erosion


Regosols are very coarse textured and exhibit excessively free drainage. Formed primarily from acid (quartzose) sand in the east, but from alkaline (shelly) sand in the west

Health advice:

In the east, will require fertilization and frequent cutting to sustain golfing activity, whereas in the west seaweed is applied as a natural fertiliser and grass cutting is allowed once a year to protect nesting birds that rely on the habitat sustained by machair soils.

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Printed from /learning/dirt-doctor/regosol on 19/04/24 05:32:38 PM

The James Hutton Research Institute is the result of the merger in April 2011 of MLURI and SCRI. This merger formed a new powerhouse for research into food, land use, and climate change.