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Planting for the future: how public funds can drive sustainable and inclusive forestry in Scotland
I took part in a panel organised by the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) to promote and discuss their report, Inquiry into Public Financial Support for Tree Planting and Forestry.
Time to take stock of how we relate to nature
Kerry Waylen, Social Researcher at the James Hutton Institute, discusses how the 45th MDT Lecture by Professor Gretchen Daily can allow us to reflect on how we protect and relate to Scotland’s natural environment and…
Supercharging science with high performance computing
The UK CropDiversity High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster, managed by The James Hutton Institute, is helping supercharge science in the UK.
The pitfalls of pit latrines – a challenge for sustainable sanitation
Pit latrines form the backbone of sanitation systems for much of sub-Saharan Africa, but while reducing open defecation, they can also be problematic for public health when not built or managed suitably.
A not so cool dry June for Invergowrie
It may have felt cold this June, following May and this Spring’s record warm temperatures. In fact it was only the 26th coldest June on record at the James Hutton Institute’s Invergowrie campus since 1954.
What’s your favourite childhood memory – and did it involve nature?
Abbie Ferrar has recently joined the Hutton-hosted North East Scotland Biodiversity Partnership (NESBiP) as Biodiversity Coordinator. She tells us why and why connecting with nature is important.
We’re free of smog, but we all still need to take action on air quality
June 20 is Clean Air Day. Most of us probably take our air quality for granted. The days of choking smogs in UK cities are a thing of the past.
Taking Scotland’s rainforests to Davos
As biodiversity hotspots, Scotland’s rainforests are internationally important. The sheer quantity, diversity and rarity of the lichens, mosses and liverworts they are home to is stunning and a joy to experience.
Our warmest May – and spring – on record
We’ve recorded the warmest May – and the warmest spring overall – on record at our site in Invergowrie, mirroring UK-wide May and spring temperature records.
Scotland’s new superfruit – the honeyberry
There’s a new Scottish superfruit in town. It’s described as being like a blueberry, but on steroids. It’s called the honeyberry and if you haven’t heard of it yet it’s likely you will soon, thanks…