David Boldrin

Researcher in Plant Soil Mechanisms
Ecological Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

Dr David Boldrin (BSc in Biology; MSc in Environmental biology; PhD in Civil Engineering) is a researcher in Plant Soil Mechanisms at The James Hutton Institute.

His expertise lies in soil bioengineering, soil-plant interactions, and root biomechanics. He has established a track-record of published studies on nature-based solutions, from green roofs in the Mediterranean region to soil bioengineering solutions for the North European climate.

His work on slope stabilisation by contrasting plants has been awarded with the Geotechnical Research Medal 2022. Dr Boldrin is collaborating with leading UK and international universities, such as Durham University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Dr Boldrin is currently a member of the early-career board of the UK AgriFood4NetZero Network, working on food-system transition to sustainability.

  • October 2021 – present: Researcher in soil-plant mechanisms (Band D), Ecological Sciences, The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee, UK.
  • October 2022 – October 2023: Early Career Researcher Board of AFN Network+, UKRI funded project
  • October 2018 – August 2023: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, EPSRC project “Climate Adaptation Control Technologies for Urban Spaces” (EP/R005834/1), University of Dundee, UK
  • May 2018 – September 2018: Research assistant, University of Dundee, UK
  • October 2014 – July 2018: PhD (Soil bioengineering), University of Dundee, UK
  • October 2014 M.Sc. in Environmental Biology, University of Trieste, Italy
  • December 2011 B.Sc. in Biology, University of Trieste, Italy
  • UKRI/MAGB PhD studentship funding via BARIToNE PhD programme. Barley-legumes companion cropping for continuous grain and soil health. Boldrin, Loades, Krynauw, Bulgarelli [2024 – 2028]
  • IKE SEFARI fund. A ‘Climate-Proof Future for Young People’ event, [2023 – 2024]
  • Westland Horticulture Ltd funded project. Characterisation of novel and commercial growing media [2023 – 2024]
  • Pilot study leader and sub-task leader in EU-Horizon Europe project (101135512) LegumES
  • Contribution in RESAS-funded projects “Achieving Multi-Purpose Nature-Based Solutions”, “Healthy Soils for a Green Recovery” and “Evaluation of the Responsible Sourcing Scheme for Growing Media”.
  • Currently supervising 3 PhD students [University of Dundee; Abertay University; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology]


Conference posters / abstracts

  • Boldrin, D.; Cuthbertson, K.; Birrell, L.; Scott, M.; Karley, A. (2024) ClimateSchools initiative poster presentation, Poster presented as part of the SEFARI Gateway exhibit at the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Science and the Parliament event in Edinburgh on 26th November 2024, which had a theme of the future of STEM in Scotland