Dr Pete Goddard is an Honorary Fellow of the James Hutton Institute. He is a veterinary surgeon with a particular interest in animal welfare, focusing especially on investigating behavioural and physiological correlates of welfare in ruminants under extensive systems of management. This has included the development of test protocols for assessing behavioural responses of these species. The health and welfare of wild and semi-managed animals is also an interest and is being pursued in a new programme of work for the Scottish Government, alongside work on controlling animal disease outbreaks in livestock.
He participated recently in an important Defra-funded project jointly held with SAC and ADAS which investigated the economic, husbandry and welfare drivers for improved welfare on extensively-managed sheep flocks. Recent Scottish Government-funded research was directed towards exploring methods to monitor deer performance and health across Scottish open hill estates.
He has authored numerous scientific papers and book chapters on animal behaviour, physiology and welfare and is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the international journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science. In addition to conducting research, he has responsibility for animal health at the Institute’s research farms in Scotland.
He has been involved in the organisation and successful delivery of meetings and workshops, involving both individuals and interest groups. For example, he chaired a stakeholder workshop in Cambridgeshire on the welfare of unbroken ponies at markets and during transport which involved representatives from organisations including charities and the wider horse transport industry. He has also led discussions on animal welfare with a wide range of deer industry representatives for the Deer Commission for Scotland, during one of their Best Practice demonstration events and has provided animal welfare advice to the DCS (now incorporated into Scottish Natural Heritage).
In 2005 he was a member of the international research review panel for CSIC (Spanish Research Council). He took the lead in developing a professional short course on animal welfare for IAMZ / CIHEAM (Spain) with the first course held in March 2007. For the two years until April 2010 he was chair of the Animal Welfare Science Ethics and Law Veterinary Association (AWSELVA) and in 2009/2010 was President of the North of Scotland division of the BVA.
He is currently a trustee of the BVA Animal Welfare Foundation, secretary and treasurer to the Veterinary Deer Society and external examiner in Animal Health, Welfare and Food Safety at the Dick Vet. School in Edinburgh. He is a Diplomate of the European College of Small Ruminant health Management.
- Riveros, J.L.; Correa, L.M.; Zapata, B.; Goddard, P.; Bonacic, C. (2019) The relationship between coping styles and responses to handling in captive guanacos (Lama guanicoe)., Small Ruminant Research, 177, 103-105.
- Fletcher, T.; Foster, A.; Goddard, P.; McSloy, A. (2016) Deer – managing problems with antlers, In Practice, 38(10), pp. 513-519
- Jorgensen, M.W.; Jarvis, S.; Brewer, M.J.; Goddard, P.J. (2015) Calf mortality in semi-domestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in a Scottish herd: the impact of maternal age and individual differences between cows., Animal Welfare, 24, 173-183.
- Perez-Barberia, J.; Ramsay, S.L.; Hooper, R.J.; Perez-Fernandez, E.; Robertson, A.H.J.; Aldezabal, A.; Goddard, P.; Gordon, I.J. (2015) The influence of habitat on body size and tooth wear in Scottish red deer (Cervus elaphus). (Corrigendum: vol 93, pg 61, 2015)., Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93, 249.
- Perez-Barberia, J.; Ramsay, S.L.; Hooper, R.J.; Perez-Fernandez, E.; Robertson, A.H.J.; Aldezabal, A.; Goddard, P.; Gordon, I.J. (2015) The influence of habitat on body size and tooth wear in Scottish red deer (Cervus elaphus)., Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93, 61-70.
- Boden, L.; Auty, H.; Goddard, P.; Stott, A.; Ball, N.; Mellor, D. (2014) Working at the science-policy interface., Veterinary Record, 174, 165-167.
- Goddard, P.J. (2013) Small ruminant welfare: Levelling the playing field or raising the bar – a European perspective., Small Ruminant Research, 110, 108-111.
- Stott, A.W.; Ahmadi, B.V.; Dwyer, C.M.; Kupiec, B.; Morgan-Davies, C.; Milne, C.E.; Ringrose, S.; Goddard, P.; Phillips, K.; Waterhouse, A. (2012) Interactions between profit and welfare on extensive sheep farms., Animal Welfare, 21, Suppl. 1., 57-64.
- van de Weerd, H.A.; Seaman, S.; Wheeler, K.; Goddard, P.J.; McLean, B. (2012) Use of artificial drinkers by unhandled semi-feral ponies, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 139, 86-95.
- Goddard, P.J. (2011) Welfare assessment in sheep., In Practice, 33, 508-516
- Schwarz, G.; Wilson, R.; Goddard, P.; Lozada-Ellison, L.M. (2009) Review of the effectiveness of Axis II animal welfare measures – First evidence from the Animal Health and Welfare Management (AHWM) Programme in Scotland., In: Deltuvas, R, Kusta, A. et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific Conference on Rural Development , Transitions towards Sustainability, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Lithuania, 15-17 October 2009. Rural Development 2009, Volume 4(1), pp.408-413, LZUU, Kaunas.
- Morgan-Davies, C.; Waterhouse, A.; Dwyer, C.; Goddard, P.; Phillips, K.; Milne, C.; Kupiec, B.; Ringrose, S.; Stott, A.W. (2009) Identification of strategic drivers for extensive hill sheep farms post CAP reform., Proceedings of the Integrated Agricultural Systems: Methodologies, Modelling and Measurements Conference, Edinburgh, UK. 2-4 June 2009. Aspects of Applied Biology, 93, 187-192.
- Stott, A.W.; Vousough-Ahmadi, B.; Morgan-Davies, C.; Dwyer, C.; Goddard, P.J.; Phillips, K..; Milne, C.E..; Kupiec, B.; Ringrose, S.; Waterhouse, A. (2009) Evaluating extensive sheep farming systems., Aspects of Applied Biology, 93, 161-166. Proceedings of the Integrated Agricultural Systems: Methodologies, Modelling and Measurement Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 2-4, June 2009.
- Williams, D.L.; Goddard, P.J.; Brancker, W.M. (2007) Ultrasonographic examination of ocular lesions in farmed halibut., Veterinary Journal, 173, 456-458.
- Gardner, D.S.; Van Bon, B.W.N.; Dandrea, J.; Goddard, P.J.; May, S.F.; Wilson, V.; Stephenson, T.; Symonds, M.E. (2006) Effect of periconceptual undernutrition and gender on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in young adult sheep., Journal of Endocrinology, 190, 203-212.
- Goddard, P.J.; Waterhouse, A.; Dwyer, C.M.; Stott, A. (2006) The perception of the welfare of sheep in extensive systems., Small Ruminant Research, 62, 215-225.
- Stott, A.W.; Milne, C.E.; Goddard, P.J.; Waterhouse, A. (2005) Projected effect of alternative management strategies on profit and animal welfare in extensive sheep production systems in Great Britain., Trees, 35, 307-317.
- Sakkinen, H., Tornberg, J., Goddard, P.J., Eloranta, E., Dahl, E., Ropstad, E. and Saarela, S. (2005) Adrenal responsiveness of reindeer (Rangifer tarundus tarundus) to intravenously administered ACTH., Journal of Dairy Science, 105, 389-408.
- Sakkinen, H.; Tornbeg, J.; Goddard, P.J.; Eloranta, E.; Ropstad, E.; Saarela, S. (2004) The effect of blood sampling method on indicators of physiological stress in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus)., Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 26, 87-98.
- Villar, D.; Rhind, S.M.; Arthur, J.R.; Goddard, P.J. (2002) Manipulation of thyroid hormones in ruminants – a tool to understand their physiological role and identify their potential for increasing production efficiency., Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 53, 259-270.
- Goddard, P.J., Summers, R.W., MacDonald, A.J., Murray, C. and Fawcett, A.R. (2001) Behavioural responses of red deer to fences of five different designs., Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 73, 289-298.
- Cockram, M.S.; Kent, J.E.; Goddard, P.J.; Waran, N.K.; Jackson, R.E.; McGilp, I.M.; Southall, E.L.; Amory, J.R.; McConnell, T.I.; O’Roirdan, T.; Wilkins, B. (2000) Behavioural and physiological responses of sheep to 16h transport and a novel environment post-transport., Fuel.288, Article No. 119513.
- Goddard, P.J.; Fawcett, A.R.; MacDonald, A.J.; Reid, H.W. (2000) The behavioural, physiological and immunological responses of lambs from two rearing systems and two genotypes to exposure to humans., Transition paths to sUstainable legume based systems in Europe (TRUE), General Assembly, The Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, 16-20 April 2018. (Poster abstract)
- Jackson, R.E., Cockram, M.S., Goddard, P.J., Doherty, O.M., McGilp, L.M. and Waran, N.K. (1999) The effects of 24h water deprivation when associated with some aspects of transportation on the behaviour and blood chemistry of sheep., Animal Welfare, 8, 229-241.
- Grigor, P.N.; Goddard, P.J.; Littlewood, C.A.; Warriss, P.D.; Brown, S.N. (1999) Effects of preslaughter handling on the behaviour, blood biochemistry and carcasses of farmed red deer., Veterinary Record, 144, 223-227.
- Ferre, I.; Goddard, P.J.; MacDonald, A.J.; Littlewood, C.A.; Duff, E.I. (1998) Effect of method of blood sample collection on adrenal activity in farmed red deer and sheep following administration of ACTH., Animal Science, 67, 157-164.
- Goddard, P.J., Fawcett, A.R. and MacDonald, A.J. (1998) The adaptation of hill lambs to housing conditions., Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 58, 331-339.
- Goddard, P.J. (1998) The welfare of deer., Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 46, 395-404.
- Grigor, P.N.; Goddard, P.J.; Littlewood, C.A.; MacDonald, A.J. (1998) The behavioural and physiological reactions of farmed red deer to transport : effects of road type and journey time., Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 56, 263-279.
- Grigor, P.N.; Goddard, P.J.; Littlewood, C.A. (1998) The relative aversiveness to farmed red deer of transport, physical restraint, human proximity and social isolation., Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 56, 255-262.
Books / chapters
- Goddard, P. (2019) Deer handling and transport, In: Grandin, T. (ed.) Livestock Handling and Transport. CABI, 5th edition, 370-403
- Ramsay, S.; Irvine, J.; Perez-Barberia, J.; Goddard, P.; Armstrong, H. (2016) Effective use of larder data for sustainable deer management., In: Irvine, R.J. (ed.) Biodiversity and Upland Management. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, Chapter 3, pp8-9.
- Goddard, P.J. (2016) The health of livestock in extensive systems., In: Vilallba, J.J. (ed.). Animal Welfare in Extensive Systems. 5M Publishing, Chapter 7, 132-156.
- Goddard, P.J. (2014) Deer handling and transport., In: Grandin, T. (ed.). Livestock Handling and Transport. 4th edition, CABI, Wallingford, Oxon, 19, pp342-377.
- Goddard, P.J. (2011) Sheep., In: Webster, J. (ed.). UFAW Handbook on the Management and Welfare of Farm Animals. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 178-251
- Bonacic, C.; Gimpel, J.; Goddard, P. (2009) Animal welfare and the sustainable use of the vicuna., In: Gordon, I.J. (ed.). Vicuna: The Theory and Practice of Community Based Wildlife Management. Springer, New York, 49-62. ISBN: 978-0-387-09475-5
- Goddard, P.J. (2008) The management of sheep., In: Dwyer, C.M. (ed.). The Welfare of Sheep. Springer, The Netherlands, Chapter 6, 291-323 ISBN 978-1-4020-8552-9
- Maxwell, T.J.; Goddard, P.J. (2000) Livestock systems and animal husbandry., In: Shades of Green: A Review of UK Farming Systems (ed. P.B. Tinker.). RASE, Stoneleigh, pp32-41.
- Russel, A.J.F. and Goddard, P.J. (1995) Small ruminant reproductive ultrasonography., Veterinary Ultrasonography. (ed. P.J. Goddard), CAB International.
- Goddard, P.J. (1995) Ultrasound scanning of fish., Veterinary Ultrasonography. (ed. P.J. Goddard), CAB International. Chapter.
- Goddard, P.J. (1995) General principles., In: Veterinary Ultrasonography (ed. P.J. Goddard), CAB International.
- Goddard, P.J. (1994) Various bits in book., Management and Diseases of Deer. Pub. Veterinary Deer Society, pp 59-61, 171-174, 175-176.
Technical / contract reports
- Brassey, R.; Armstrong, H.; Goddard, P.; Perez-Barberia, J.; Irvine, R.J. (2010) Developing methods to monitor performance and health of deer RP64 final report 2008 – 2010., Final report on Project RO 64 to Deer Commission Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage.
- Goddard, P.J. (2005) Research project Final Report: Improving sheep welfare on extensively managed flocks by understanding the economic and husbandry influences on stock welfare., DEFRA Final Report.
- Goddard, P.J. (2004) RP 50: Seasons: Behavioural aspects., Contract Report to the Deer Commission for Scotland.
- Goddard, P.J., Sell, D., Milne, J.A., Davidson, G. and Riach, D. (2001) An assessment of the risks to public health and animal health arising from recreational access to the countryside., Report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
- Goddard, P.J., Summers, R.W., MacDonald, A.J., Murray, C. and Fawcett, A.R. (1998) Testing alternative capercaillie-friendly deer fences., Report to RSPB.
- Davidson, G.C.; Wright, I.A.; Goddard, P.J. (1997) Review of research requirements in ostrich farming., Report to Scottish Office Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department, 23pp.
- Allain, D.; Gerken, M.; Goddard, P.; Laker, J.; MacPherson, R.; Milne, J.; Osoro, K.; Russel, A.; Speedy, A.; Webster, J.; Zervas, G. (1995) An analysis of the welfare of animals kept for the production of speciality textile fibres., Report to the Commission of the European Communities, European Fine Fibre Network, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen.
Conference papers
- Goddard, P.J. (2011) Small ruminant welfare: levelling the playing field or raising the bar?, European College of Small Ruminant Health Management Conference, Hilton Hotel, Athens, Greece, 29-30 October 2011, p29.
- Vosough Amadi, B.; Dwyer, C.M.; Erhard, H.W.; Morgan-Davies, C.; Waterhouse, A.; Milne, C.E.; Kupiec-Tehan, B.; Ringrose, S.; Goddard, P.; Phillips, K.; Stott, A.W. (2010) Impacts of labour on interactions between economics and animal welfare in extensive sheep farms., Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society (AES), 84th, University of Edinburgh, 29-31 March 2010.
- Orskov, E.R.; Goddard, P.J.; Kustantinah, T. (2009) Improving feedstuff supply and quantity with an emphasis on plant and animal breeding multiculture and agroforestry., AINI Meeting, Plenary session, Purwokerto, Indonesia, July 2009.
- Goddard, P.J. (2008) Current welfare issues for sheep., Scottish Animal Health and Welfare Conference, Dunkeld, November 2008.
- Goddard, P.J. (ed.) (2008) Welfare goals from the perspective of extensively managed sheep., Proceedings of a Workshop, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, 22-23 February 2007.
- Goddard, P.J.; Waterhouse, A.; Phillips, K. (2005) Improving sheep welfare on extensively managed flocks., Proceedings of the Sheep Veterinary Society, 29, 15-17.
- Larkham, A.P.; Gordon, I.J.; Thompson, P.M.; Goddard, P.J. (2005) Individual reproductive response to weather in Scottish ungulates., IX International Mammological Conference, August 2005.
- Larkham, A.P.; Goddard, P.J.; Thompson, P.M. (2005) Individual reproductive response to weather in Scottish hill-sheep., British Ecological Society Annual Conference 2005.
- Goddard, P.J.; Dwyer, C.M.; Waterhouse, A. (2004) Extensive or easy-care management systems for sheep flocks – a contradiction on terms?, In: Abstracts of the 55th Annual meeting of the EAAP, Bled, Slovenia (Editor-in-chief: Ynze van der Honing). Wageningen Academic Publishers, p.257.
- Goddard, P.J. (ed.) (2003) Improving sheep welfare on extensively managed flocks: economics, husbandry and welfare., Proceedings of a Workshop, Aberdeen, 24-25 February 2003. ISBN: 0708406548
- Peddie, S., Goddard, P. and Stott, A. (2003) Footrot control and sheep welfare: applying adaptive conjoint analysis (ACA) to elicit stakeholder opinion., In: Improving sheep welfare on extensively managed flocks – Economics, husbandry and welfare (Ed. P. Goddard). Proceedings of a workshop held in Aberdeen, Scotland on 24-25 February 2003. The Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, pp65-72.
- Peddie, S., Goddard, P. and Stott, A. (2003) An empircal study of the attitudes of key stakeholders towards sheep welfare in general, and lameness due to footrot in particular., Developing Empirical Agent-Based Models, Workshop, University of Twente, 4 April 2019.
- Appleby, M.C.; Cutler, N.; Gazzard, J.; Goddard, P.J.; Milne, J.A.; Morgan, C.; Redfern, A. (2003) What price cheap food?, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 16, 395-408.
- Goddard, P.J. (1999) Information and technology transfer in farm animal welfare., Farm Animal Welfare – Who Writes the Rules? British Society of Animal Science, Occasional Publication.
- Goddard, P.J. (1999) The welfare of deer., Advances in Deer Biology: Proceedings of the 4th International Deer Biology Congress, Kaposvar, Hungary. Edited by Z. Zomborszky. Budapest, July 1998. pp301-306.
- Goddard, P.J. (1998) Animal health and welfare in extensive systems : conflict and resolution., In: Goddard, P.J. (ed.) The Implications of Extensification for the Health and Welfare of Beef Cattle and Sheep. Proceedings of a Workshop, Aberdeen, 5-6 March 1998. Occasional Publication No. 5., Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen, pp17-23.
- Goddard, P.J.; Matthews, L.R. (1997) Stress and animal welfare., Proceedings of the Third World Congress on the Biology of Deer, Edinburgh, pp336-346.
- Goddard, P.J. (1995) Animal transport – what can animal welfare science tell us ?, 2nd Circumpolar, Agricultural Conference.
- Goddard, P.J. (1994) Assessment of stress and welfare in deer., Publication of the Veterinary Deer Society, No.6, 9-13.
- Goddard, P.J. (1994) Johne’s disease in red deer., Publication of the Veterinary Deer Society, No.6, 19-26.
- Goddard, P.J., Rhind, S.M., Hanlon, A.J. and Hamilton, W.J. (1994) ACTH simulation tests in red deer., Proceedings of the New Zealand Veterinary Association, Deer Branch Meeting, Queenstown, New Zealand, Course No 11, pp147-155
- Goddard, P.J., Fawcett, A.R., McKelvey, W.A.C., Buxton, D., Reid, H.W., Greig, A. and MacDonald, A.J. (1994) Johne’s disease in a farmed red deer herd in the UK., Proceedings of the New Zealand Veterinary Association, Deer Branch Meeting, Queenstown, New Zealand, Course No 11, pp224-232.
- Goddard, P.J. (1992) Husbandry and veterinary care of red deer and South American camelids., British Laboratory Animals Veterinary Association News, 4, 23-31.
- Goddard, P.J. (1991) Reproductive physiology of red deer., Publication of the Veterinary Deer Society, No.5, 11-18.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Stott, A.W.; Vousough-Ahmadi, B.; Dwyer, C.M.; Kupiec, B.; Morgan-Davies, C.; Milne, C.E.; Ringrose, S.; Goddard, P.; Phillips, K.; Waterhouse, A. (2011) Interactions between profit and welfare on extensive sheep farms., UFAW International Symposium 2011: Making Animal Welfare Improvements: Economic and other incentives and constraints, Portsmouth, 28-29 June 2011.
- Goddard, P.J. (2010) A welfare construct for wild animals – can it mean anything to them?, Workshop Introduction, 44th International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), Annual Conference, Sweidsh University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, 4-7 August 2010.
- Goddard, P.J.; Stott, A.; Waterhouse, A.; Milne, C.; Phillips, K. (2009) The welfare of sheep under extensive management conditions., Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, 60th, Barcelona, Spain, 24-27 August 2009, p112.
- Goddard, P.J. (2009) The welfare of wild animals – what does it mean?, Proceedings, Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, 43rd, Cairns, Australia, 6-10 July 2009, p75.
- Fraser, F.; Clark, D.; Brulisauer, F.; McKendrick, I.J.; Griffiths, D.J.; Marriott, L.; Thornur, L.; Crawford, J.; Willoughby, K.; Gilbert, L.; Goddard, P.; Cousens, C.; Gunn, G.J. (2009) Prevalence study in endemic diseases in the Scottish national sheep flock., SAC Success through Knowledge KT Workshop on Feeding the Breeding Ewe for Lamb Production, Vigour and Welfare, Moredun Research Institute, 23 April 2009.
- Van de Weerd, H.A.; Seaman, S.; Wheeler, K.; Goddard, P. (2009) Behaviour of unhandled, British semi-feral ponies at simulated market facilities and their flight distance., UFAW International Symposium 2009, Darwinian Selection, Selective Breeding and the Welfare of Animals, University of Bristol, 22-23 June 2009.
- Goddard, P.J.; Dwyer, C.M. (2008) Do extensive production systems provide high welfare for animals in those systems? Setting the scene., Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, (ed. P. Koene), University of Ghent, p181.
- Van de Weerd, H.A.; Seaman, S.; Wheeler, K.; Goddard, P.; McLean, B. (2008) The effect of different handling treatments during repeated loading of unhandled British native ponies., Proceedings of the Congress of the ISAE, (eds. Boyle, L., O’Connell, N., Hanlon, A.). 42nd, Dublin, Ireland, August 2008, pp 223.
- Van de Weerd, H.A.; Seaman, S.; Wheeler, K.; Goddard, P.; McLean, B. (2008) Preference for artificial drinkers in British native ponies., EAAP Annual Meeting – Welfare at the Farm Level, Vilnius, Lithuania, August 2008, pp 219.
- Goddard, P.J. (2003) Establishing a framework for the assessment of wild animal welfare., 3rd International Wildlife Management Congress.
- Sakkinen, H., Tornberg, J., Goddard, P.J., Eloranta, E., Ropstad, E. and Saarela, S. (2003) The effect of blood sampling method on physiological stress indicators of reindeer., International Wildlife Biology Congress, 3rd, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1-5 December 2003.
- Goddard, P.J. (2003) Assessing the welfare of wild animals: is this an issue which science can address?, UFAW Symposium – Science in the Service of Animal Welfare, Edinburgh.
- Goddard, P.J.; Bonacic, C.; Schuler, G.; Gimple, J. (2003) Animal welfare assessment in managed wildlife: establishing stress for the Andeon vicuna., 3rd International Wildlife Management Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Goddard, P.J.; Colgrove, P.M.; Macdonald, A.J. (2002) The welfare of farmed deer during routine management., In: 5th International Deer Biology Congress, Quebec, p55.
- Goddard, P.J. (2002) The welfare continuum from wild to managed deer., 5th International Deer Biology Congress, Quebec, p55.
- Goddard, P.J., Gaskin, G.J. and MacDonald, A.J. (2001) Remote blood sampling of large animals., LAVA/ESLAN Briefing, 5, 17-19.
- Dandrea, J., Davidson, G., Pearce, S., Stephenson, T., Goddard, P.J. and Symonds, M.E. (2000) Determination of plasma cortisol rhythm in unrestrained sheep., 191st Meeting of the Endocrine Society.
- Goddard, P.J.; Gaskin, G.J.; MacDonald, A.J. (2000) Remote blood sampling as an aid to measuring the physiological response to stress., Abstract of a talk presented to AVTRW meeting.
- Goddard, P.J., Gaskin, G.J. and MacDonald, A.J. (2000) Remote blood sampling of ruminant animals., UK Telemetry User Group – Occasional Meeting.
- Saarela, S., Impio, J., Eloranta, E., Goddard, P. and Ropstad, E. (1998) Diurnal rhythm of body temperature, heart rate and cortisol in the reindeer., XI International Symposium on the Pharmacology of Thermoregulation.