SJ has led the bioinformatics aspects of many projects and was lead PI on an MRC funded project on functional genomics (MRC/G0400312). Her work, as subcontract lead (BBSRC grant BB/N023293/1), involving the analysis of viral pathogens in crops using RNA-seq data, included the publication of a bioinformatics workflow (Kodoja) and the sequencing of variants of a raspberry rhabdovirus. She has also led the bioinformatics component of a Royal Society African Exchange grant (RS/SM150075) on viruses in groundnut. She is currently leading the bioinformatics component of The UK Crop Microbiome CryoBank project (BB/T019484/1) that will establish a resource of microorganisms and information associated with the microbiome of the UKs major crops. SJ has recently been award a BBSRC grant (BB/W020610/1) on quantifying how host genotype and microbiome composition combine to influence susceptibility to plant disease. This work is focused on the foliar microbiome of Scots Pine and how this influences a tree’s susceptibility to the fungal pathogen Dothistroma septosporum.