Gillian Green

Field/Laboratory Assistant
Environmental and Biochemical Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

After gaining a BSc Hons 1st class degree from Aberdeen University in Equine Science Gillian joined the Institute Soil's research area in 2007.

Gillian is a Research Assistant who works full time for Dr Jason Owen in the Environmental and Biochemical Sciences Soils lab, providing analytical analysis in both accredited and non-accredited techniques. She is also responsible for various communal facilities on Level One (Craigiebuckler), including the management of The National Soils Archive as Sample Storage Manager , Plant Growth Rooms. Gillian is a Level One facilities trainer and maintenance of that equipment and provides the Institute’s Freeze Drying Services. She is a UKAS auditor and a First Aider.


Technical / contract reports

  • Mitchell, R.J.; Beesley, L.; Donald, C.; Green, G.; Hewison, R.L.; Owen, I.J.; Newman, G.; Sturgeon, F.; White, D.; Williams, E.; Black, H.I.J. (2016) Applying soil indicators at biomonitoring sites., Scottish Environment Protection Agency Commissioned Report No. TT1508, 51pp.
  • Mitchell, R.J.; Lilly, A.; Bell, J.S.; Cameron, C.; Donald, C.; Fielding, D.; Green, G.; Hewison, R.H.; McIntyre, S.; Newman, G.: Nolan, A.; Owen, J.; Smith, D.; Sturgeon, F.; Thompson, C.; Towers, W.; Williams E. (2014) Ecosystem effects of long-term herbivore exclusion., SNH Contract Report.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Craig, C-A.; Lilly, A.; Midwood., A. J.; Thornton, B.; Green, G. (2022) How variable are Sr isotope ratios in soil associations? – implications for extrapolating isoscapes, Joint European Stable Isotope Users Group Meeting, 10-14 October 2022, Kuopio, Finland