My main research interests are developing the use of molecular diagnostic techniques for the detection and quantification of seed and soil-borne potato pathogens: both as a research tool to investigate the epidemiology of potato pathogens, and in supporting the management of potatoes by quantifying disease risk. By employing appropriate sampling strategies in conjunction with DNA extraction and molecular real-time PCR techniques to detect and quantify target pathogens we can validate the relationship between detectable inoculum and disease risk. Furthermore, the impact of soil-borne inoculum on disease can be investigated in conjunction with other control factors such as host resistance, crop management and chemical control options. Much of my research has been collaborative, both within the UK and internationally. Research targets have been Spongospora subterranea (powdery scab); Colletotrichum coccodes (black dot); Rhizoctonia solani AG-3 (black scurf/stem canker); Helminthosporium solani (silver scurf) and pathogenic Streptomyces spp. (common scab).

At present I am focusing on the effect of crop management practices, in particular how soil organic matter content and cultivation affects the introduction and persistence of pathogens through a crop rotation. By comparing the soil microbiome under contrasting management practices we hope to be able to identify whether sustainable soil management practices can have a positive effect on disease suppression though the creation of a healthy microbiome. This research utilizes the Centre for Sustainable Cropping: a long-term platform for research on arable sustainability.

I am the lead PI of the Scottish Government RESAS Project A1-2 ‘Integrated Crop Protection’. The project aims to mitigate threats posed to key crops by new, emerging and endemic pests and pathogens, to protect Scotland’s industries and to deliver integrated and sustainable crop protection strategies for Scottish growers.

I am a key member involved in Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPM) research at The James Hutton Institute. For details of ongoing IPM research areas and projects visit the IPM@Hutton website

I am a postgraduate student liaison officer and member of the Postgraduate School Committee.

Past research

  • Scottish Crop Research Institute (2001)
    Epidemiological studies into the bacterial soft rot disease of potatoes Pectobacterium atroseptica (blackleg).
  • Cambridge University Farm (1998-2001)
    Experimental field trials investigating a range of agronomic factors affecting the size distribution of tubers in potato crops.
  • Rothamsted Research (1997-1998)
    Investigating the use of SPAD meters for diagnosing the nitrogen status of wheat.
  • Royal Botanic Gardens, KEW, Seed Conservation Section (1995-1997)
    Seed physiology of seagrass species.


Technical / contract reports

  • Toth, I.; Humphris, S.; Brierley, J.; Skelsey, P.; Saddler, G.; Cahill, G.; Wale, S. (2016) Routes of blackleg contamination of high grade potato seed stocks by Pectobacterium species., AHDB Final Project Report April 2013 – May 2016 (Ref 111R475).
  • Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A. (2012) International diagnostics collaboration: informing management of potato diseases through epidemiology and diagnostics., R422 Final Report. Potato Council Ltd, Stoneleigh.
  • Wale, S.; Lees, A.K.; Peters, J.; Brierley, J.L.; Woodhall, J.W.; Davey, T. (2010) Final report: Extending the scope of modern potato diagnostics and their interpretation., Potato Council Ltd, Stoneleigh.
  • Wale, S.; Hilton, A.; Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Peters, J.; Gladders, P.; Bradshaw, N. (2008) Developing effective integrated control measures for the control of black dot., R249 Final Report. Potato Council Ltd, Stoneleigh.
  • Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.; Hilton, A.; Wale, S.; Peters, J.; Elphinstone, J.; Boonham, N. (2008) Improving decision making for the management of potato diseases using real-time diagnostics., R253 Final Report, Potato Council Ltd, Stoneleigh.
  • Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.K.; Wale, S.; (2008) Powdery scab: strains and conducive conditions. A review of literature and other sources of information., Research Review, Potato Council Ltd., Stoneleigh, 43pp.
  • Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Stewart, J.A.; Sullivan, L.; Cullen, D.W. (2006) Molecular diagnostics: quantitative tools for investigating potato pathogens., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2006, pp26-27.

Conference papers

  • Cooke, D.; Brierley, J.; Toth, I.; Randall, E.; Humphris, S.; Jones, J.; Cock, P. (2022) Applications of DNA metabarcoding for plant pathogen tracking and diagnostics, Crop Production in Northern Britain Conference, 1-2 March 2022, Online.
  • Brierley, J.L.; Sullivan L.; Lynott, J.L.; Lees, A.K. (2018) Predictive diagnostics for soil-borne diseases of potato: an essential component of IPM., Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2018: The Dundee Conference, Environmental Management and Crop Production, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 27-28 February 2018. Conference Proceedings, pp267-270.
  • Toth, I.K.; Lees, A.; Neilson, R.; Brierley, J.; Bienkowski, D. (2018) Research on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for potato., Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2018: The Dundee Conference, Environmental Management and Crop Production, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 27-28 February 2018. Conference Proceedings, pp187-192.
  • Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Roberts A.G. (2017) Summary of powdery scab research in Scotland: investigations of infection of potato by Spongospora subterranea and host resistance., Proceedings of the 3rd International Powdery Scab Workshop, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 18-21 July 2016. Potato Research 60, 205-207.
  • Brierley, J.; Sullivan, L.; Lynott, J.; Lees, A. (2016) The effect of increased soil organic matter on severity of disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG3 on potato., The Dundee Conference: Proceedings of Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2016, Dundee, 23-24 February 2016, pp 267-272.
  • Brierley, J.; Lynott, J.; Sullivan, L.; Hawes, C.; Lees, A. (2014) Introduction and persistence of seed and soil-borne potato pathogens within a rotation., Proceedings Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Environmental Management and Crop Protection, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 25-26 February 2014.
  • Brierley, J.; Lynott, J.; Sullivan, L.; Hawes, C.; Lees, A. (2014) Introduction and persistence of seed and soil-borne potato pathogens., Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Environmental Management and Crop Protection, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 25-26 February 2014.
  • Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Sullivan, L.; Wale, S.; Davey T.; Kiezebrink, D.; Wiechel, T.; Sparrow, L. (2011) Studying infection by Spongospora subterranea and PMTV., Proceedings of the 2011 Powdery Scab Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2011.
  • Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Wale, S.; Kiezebrink, D. (2011) Diagnostics, epidemiology and control of soil-borne diseases: focus on powdery scab., Proceedings of Nordic-Baltic Potato Tuber Disease Workshop, Hamar, Norway, 16-18 November 2011.
  • Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Wale, S.; Peters, J. (2011) Diagnostics, epidemiology and control of soil-borne diseases: focus on Rhizoctonia., Proceedings of Nordic-Baltic Potato Tuber Disease Workshop, Hamar, Norway, 16-18 November 2011.
  • Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Wale, S.; Peters, J.; Gladders, P.; Bradshaw, N. (2011) Diagnostics, epidemiology and control of soil-borne diseases: focus on black dot., Proceedings of Nordic-Baltic Potato Tuber Disease Workshop, Hamar, Norway, 16-18 November 2011.
  • Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Stewart, J.A.; Sullivan, L. (2010) Investigating factors affecting infection of potato by Spongospora subterranea, the cause of powdery scab., Proceedings Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2010, Dundee, 23-24 February 2010, pp263-268.
  • Peters, J.C.; Woodhall, J.W.; Brierley, J.L.; Wale, S.; Davey, T.; Lees, A.K. (2010) Determining the distribution pattern of soil-borne Rhizoctonia solani AG3., Proceedings Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2010, Dundee, 23-24 February 2010, pp183-188.
  • Peters, J.C.; Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Wale, S. (2008) The use of real-time PCR for detecting plant pathogens., Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Turin, Italy, 24-29 August 2008.
  • Brierley, J.L.; Stewart, J.A.; Wale, S.; Hilton, A.J.; Budge, G.; Elphinstone, J.; Barrett, B.; Boonham, N.; Lees, A.K. (2008) Validating predictive diagnostics for soil-borne potato diseases., ICPP Meeting, Turin, Italy, 90, 297.
  • Hilton, A.J.; Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.K.; Bradshaw, N.J.; Gladders, P.; Peters, J.; Wale, S.J. (2008) Colletotrichum coccodes, the cause of black dot of potatoes – how contaminated are potato fields in the UK?, Proceedings Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2008, Dundee, 26-27 February 2008, pp237-242.
  • Brierley, J.L.; Stewart, J.A.; Wale, S.J.; Hilton, A.J.; Budge, G.; Elphinstone, J.; Barrett, B.; Boonham, N.; Lees, A.K. (2008) Validating predictive diagnostics for potato diseases., Proceedings Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2008, Dundee, 26-27 February 2008, pp231-236.
  • Cullen, D.W.; Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.K. (2006) Quantitative PCR diagnostics as a tool for investigating seed-and soil-borne pathogens of potato., Current Concepts in Potato Disease Management
  • Hilton, A.J.; Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Wale, S.J. (2006) Towards developing a risk management scheme for soil-borne diseases of potato., Proceedings of Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Dundee, 28 February – 1 March 2006, pp359-364.
  • Brierley, J.L.; Stewart, J.A.; Wale, S.J.; Hilton, A.J.; Lees, A.K. (2006) Improving decision making for the management of potato diseases., Proceedings of Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Dundee, 28 February – 1 March 2006, pp267-272.
  • Lees, A.K.; Cullen, D.W.; van de Graaf, P.; Wale, S.; Brierley, J.L. (2005) Investigating potato disease epidemiology using diagnostics., 15th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference, Gelong, Victoria, Australia, 26-29 September 2005, 91.
  • Peters, J.C.; Hilton, A.J.; Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Gladder, P.; Bradshaw, N.J.; Wale, S.J. (2005) Control of black dot on potatoes: integrating agronomy and storage., European Association for Potato Research EAPR 16th Triennial Conference, Bilbao, Spain, 17-22 July 2005.
  • Lees, A.K.; Wale, S.J.; Bradshaw, J.E.; Brierley, J.L. (2005) Innovations from science for the modern potato farmer., National Potato Conference, Philip Island, Victoria, Australia, 18-21 September 2005.
  • Hilton, A.J.; Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Peters, J.C.; Gladder, P.; Bradshaw, N.J.; Wale, S.J. (2005) Use of integrated control measures to reduce black dot on potatoes where soil is contaminated with Colletotrichum coccodes., European Association for Potato Research EAPR 16th Triennial Conference, Bilbao, Spain, 17-22 July 2005.
  • Brierley, E.; Marshall, B. (2001) New tuber size assessment method could save industry £9m., Eyewitness, 11, July/August 2001

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Raubach, S.; Shaw, P.D.; Brierley, J.; Torrance, L. (2018) Buntata – Potato disease identification on the go., Poster demonstration at Potatoes in Practice 2018, Balruddery Farm, Dundee, 9 August 2018.
  • Roberts, A.G.; Tillemans, V.; Chapman, S.; McGeachy, K.; Torrance, L.; Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.K. (2017) New insights into the lifecycle of Spongospora subterranea: a microscope study., In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Powdery Scab Workshop, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 18-21 July 2016. Potato Research 60, 200-201. Abstract.
  • Lees, A.; Brierley, J. (2013) Predicting soil-borne disease as a tool for management., 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Beijing, China, 25-30 August 2013.
  • Brierley, J. (2013) Poster presentation at Potatoes in Practice, Potatoes in Practice 2013, Balruddery Farm, Invergowrie, Dundee, 8 August 2013.
  • Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.K.; Sullivan, L.; Wale, S.; Kiezebrink, D. (2012) The effect of Spongospora subterranea soil inoculum levels on powdery scab., 8th World Potato Congress, Edinburgh, 27 May 2012 (Poster).
  • Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Sullivan, L. (2011) Is there any relationship between level of S. subterranea inoculum and disease?, Proceedings of the 2011 Powdery Scab Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland. August 2011.
  • Stroud, G.P.; Harper, J.; Wale, S.; Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Peters, J.C. (2010) Post-harvest development of black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes) on potato., EAPR Pathology Section Meeting, Carlow Ireland, 13-16 September 2010 (Abstract).
  • Peters, J.C.; Woodhall, J.W.; Brierley, J.L.; Wale, S.; Lees, A.K. (2010) Spatial distribution of soil-borne pathogens to inform disease risk prediction., EAPR Pathology Section Meeting, Carlow Ireland, 13-16 September 2010 (Abstract).
  • Lees, A.K.; Stewart, J.A.; Sullivan, L.; Brierley, J.L.; (2009) Epidemiology of soil-borne potato diseases., Proceedings of Soil-borne Disease Workshop, World Potato Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand (Abstract).
  • Lees, A.K.; Sullivan, L.; Brierley, J.L. (2009) Investigating factors affecting infection of potato by Spongospora subterranea., Association of Applied Biologists. Potatoes: Viruses and their Vectors, SASA, Edinburgh, 16 September 2009, 94, 65-66. (Poster).
  • Wale, S.J.; Hilton, A.J.; Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Bradshaw, N.J.; Gladders, P.; Peters, J.C. (2008) Controlling black dot of potatoes (Colletotrichum coccodes) by understanding its epidemiology., ICPP Meeting, Turin, Italy, 90, 425.
  • Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Sullivan, L. (2007) Spongospora and PMTV research at SCRI., 2nd European Powdery Scab Workshop, Langnau, Switzerland, 30 July 2007 (Abstract).