Rob Brooker

Head of Department
Ecological Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

Rob is Head of Ecological Sciences at The James Hutton Institute. He is a plant ecologist with over 25 years’ experience of ecological research. He has extensive experience of ecology in a wide range of environments, including arctic, montane, alpine, semi-arid and arable ecosystems, and currently undertakes research at sites across Scotland.

A central focus of Rob’s research has been facilitative (i.e. beneficial) plant-plant interactions, and his work has contributed to current understanding that beneficial plant-plant interactions occur, and are often important, in virtually all ecosystems containing vascular plants. Underlying all Rob’s work is a strong focus on fundamental ecological theory. Building on initial studies in arctic and alpine environments, he has continued to pursue these fundamental questions through studies based in Scottish ecosystems including Scottish agricultural landscapes. This work has given him a broad understanding of the problems of food security, the challenges of biodiversity conservation in Scotland, and the potential to further link fundamental ecological knowledge to issues of sustainable food production and biodiversity conservation. Most recently Rob has coordinated the SEAMS (Sustainability in Education and Agriculture through Mixtures) project, a four-year project funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation which aimed to develop, promote and implement crop species mixtures as a sustainable crop production system for Scotland and as a resource for knowledge exchange on food production, agricultural ecology, and environmental sustainability to a wider audience including school groups.

Rob has also been heavily involved in linking ecological research to policy making. He has led substantial policy-driven research projects, including reviews of the impacts of climate change on biodiversity for both the Scottish Government and Defra. This work has benefited from his genuine interest in communicating the outcome of biodiversity research to relevant stakeholders, including in the policy arena. He is now a member of the Advisory Group to the Scottish Biodiversity Programme, and Honorary Secretary for the British Ecological Society.


Prior to appointment

  • Travis, J.M.J.; Brooker, R.W.; Clark, E.J.; Dytham, C. (2006) The distribution of positive and negative species interactions across environmental gradients on a dual-lattice model., Journal of Theoretical Biology, 241, 896-902.

Books / chapters

  • Brooker, R.W. (2016) Nature’s role in feeding the 10 billion: how biodiversity can benefit agriculture., In: Gordon, I.J., Prins, H.H.T. & Squire, G.R. (ed.). Food Production and Nature Conservation: Conflicts and Solutions. Routledge, London, Chapter 12, pp238-257.
  • Brooker, R.; Eastwood, A.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Genney, D.; Ellis, C.; Brewer, M.I. (2016) Opportunities for translocating mountain species., In: Irvine, R.J. (ed.) Biodiversity and Upland Management. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, Chapter 11, pp24-25.
  • Eastwood, A.; Brooker, R.; Irvine, R.J.; Pakeman, R.J. (2016) Nature conservation and ecosystem services delivery., In: Brooker, R., Hester, A. & Pakeman, R. (eds.). Ecosystem Services. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, pp26-27.
  • Gimona, A.; Baggio Compagnucci, A.; Poggio, L.; Castellazzi, M.; Brooker, R.; Pakeman, R.J. (2016) Modelling and mapping key ecosystem services., In: Brooker, R., Hester, A. & Pakeman, R.J. (eds.). Ecosystem Services. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, pp8-9.
  • Brooker, R.; Karley, A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Newton, A.; Schob, C.; Morcillo, L. (2016) Biodiversity and function., In: Brooker, R., Hester, A. & Pakeman, R.J.(eds.). Ecosystem Services. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, pp6-7.
  • Callaghan, T.V.; Matvayeva, N.; Chernov, Y.; Schmidt, N.M.; Brooker, R.; Johannson, M. (2013) Arctic terrestrial ecosystems., In: Levin, S. (ed.). Encyclopaedia of Biodiversity. 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego.
  • Brooker, R. (2011) The changing nature of Scotland’s uplands – an interplay of processes and timescales., In: Marrs, S.J., Foster, S., Hendrie, C., Mackey, E.C. & Thompson, D.B.A. (eds.). The Changing Nature of Scotland. TSO Scotland, Edinburgh, Chapter 32, pp381-396.
  • Brooker, R.W. (2010) Plant communities, plant-plant interactions, and climate change., In: Pugnaire, F.I. Positive Plant Interactions and Community Dynamics. CRC Press, pp99-123.
  • Brooker, R.W. (2008) Climate change and upland biodiversity: targeted research and strengthening the science-policy interface., In: Ranade, P.S. (ed.). Climate Change and Biodiversity: Perspectives and Mitigation Strategies. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 171-178.
  • Hester, A.J.; Brooker, R.W. (2007) Threatened habitats: marginal vegetation in upland areas., In: Hester, R.E. & Harrison, R.M. (eds.). Biodiversity under Threat. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology 25, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, pp106-134. ISBN: 9780854042517

Technical / contract reports

  • Pakeman, R.J.; Britton, A.; Hawes, C.; Stockan, J.; Stutter, M.; Wilkinson, M.; Artz, R.; Brooker, R.; Mitchell, R.; Addy, S. (2023) Calldown Request – James Hutton Institute – Reviewing priority actions according to their impact on halting biodiversity decline in the delivery plan for Scotlands Biodiversity Strategy, Report to NatureScot.
  • Brooker, R.; Mitchell, R.; Roberts, D.; Matthews, K.; Waylen, K.A. (2021) Think piece on multifunctional landscapes, Report submitted to Sallie Ballie in response to Call-Down request.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J. (2021) Support for NCAI and other Terrestrial Indicators – Outputs 2021, Direct delivery to stakeholder partners at NatureScot.
  • Hollingsworth, P.M.; O’Brien, D.; Ennos, R.A.; Ahrends, A.; Ballingall, K.T.; Brooker, R.W.; Burke, T.; Cavers, S.; Dawson, I.K.; Elston, D.A.; Kerr, J.; Marshall, D.F.; Neaves, L.; Pakeman, R.J.; Trivedi, C.; Wall, E.; Wright, F.; Yahr, R.; Bean, C.; Blake, D.; Campbell, R.; Comont, R.; Finger, A.; Fraser, K.; Genney, D.; Hall, J.; Hannah, A.; Jehle, R.; Jones, S.; Kohn, D.; Llewellyn, M.; Lurz, P.; Macdonald, I.; McIntosh, J.; Mitchell, R.; O’Dell, J.; Page, S.; Pemberton, J.; Pérez-Espona, S.; Piertney, S.; Sime, I.; Thompson, D.; Ogden, R. (2020) Scotland’s biodiversity progress to 2020 Aichi targets – Aichi target 13 – Genetic diversity maintained – Supplementary Report 2020., Scottish Natural Heritage, Inverness, 81pp.
  • Hollingsworth, P.M.; O’Brien, D.; Ennos, R.A.; Yahr, R.; Neaves, L.; Ahrends, A; Ballingall, K.T.; Brooker, R.W.; Burke, T.; Cavers, S.; Dawson, I.K.; Elston, D.A.; Kerr, J.; Marshall, D.F.; Pakeman, R.J.; Trivedi, C.; Wall, E.; Wright, F.; Ogden R. (2020) Scotland’s biodiversity progress to 2020 Aichi targets. Conserving genetic diversity – Development of a national approach for addressing Aichi biodiversity target 13 that includes wild species., Scottish Natural Heritage, Inverness, 33pp.
  • Brooker, R.; Thomson, S.; Matthews, K.B.; Hester, A.J.; Newey, S.; Pakeman, R.J.; Miller, D.R.; Mell, V.; Aalders, I.H.; McMorran, R.; Glass, J. (2018) Socioeconomic and biodiversity impacts of driven grouse moors in Scotland: Summary report., Report to Scottish Government as part of the outputs from a PAWSA project, 19pp.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Hester, A.J.; Newey, S.; Pakeman, R.J. (2018) Socio-economic and biodiversity impacts of driven grouse moors in Scotland: Part 2 Biodiversity impacts of driven grouse moors in Scotland., Report to Scottish Government as part of Grouse Moor Management PAWSA Project, 49pp.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Eastwood, A.E. (2018) A report on work undertaken in year 2 (2017-2018) of the Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme in support of the Natural Capital Asset Index., James Hutton Institute, 11pp. (Theme 1 Website and direct circulation to Scottish Natural Heritage).
  • Pakeman, R.J.; Brooker, R.W. (2018) Developing an Ecosystem Health Indicator based on Scottish bryophyte records., Report to the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Science and Technical Subgroup on Indicators, 9pp.
  • Brooker, R.; Paterson E.; Glendell, M.; Ellis, C.; Eastwood, A.; Fraser, F.; Wilkinson, M.; Skuce, P.; Macleod, C.; Carvalho, L.; Fischer, A.; Comerford, D.; Holland, J.; Vinten, A.J.A.; McVittie, A. (2017) Report on natural assets theme science day, James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, 2 October 2017., Theme 1 Web pages, 6pp.
  • Brooker, R.; Mitchell, R.J.; Iason, G.; Stone, D. (2017) The application of resilience to conservation of the natural environment., Resilience 2017 Edinburgh Workshop, Silvan House, Edinburgh, 26 October 2017. Final meeting notes circulated to Workshop attendees and also made available via Theme 1 web pages.
  • Brooker, R.; Iannetta, P.; Karley, A.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R. (2017) Crop mixtures in the Strategic Research Programme., Workshop Report, James Hutton Institute, Dundee, 27 July 2017. Report circulated to workshop attendees.
  • Blackstock, K.L.; Brooker, R.; Pakeman, R.J.; Ellis, C.; George, T.; Iason, G.; Gilbert, L.; Artz, R,.R.E.; Irvine, R.J.; McVittie, A.; Newey, S.; Mitchell, R.; Gimona, A.; Fischer, A.; Begg, G.; Maxwell, J. (2017) Ecosystems and Land Use Stakeholders Engagement Group (ELSEG) Workshop Report., Workshop, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, 20 November 2017.
  • Eastwood, A.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J. (2017) Developing an ecosystem health indicator for urban green space: the current state of play., Information Note for Scottish Natural Heritage, EHI Green Space Final Draft, 8pp.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Eastwood, A. (2017) Developing a “complex, multi-species” Ecosystem Health Indicator using bryophyte and lichen data., Information Note for Scottish Natural Heritage, James Hutton Institute, 5pp.
  • Brooker, R.J.; Eastwood, A.; Pakeman, R.J. (2017) Report on assessment of new indicators include within the NCAI., Short Report to Scottish Natural Heritage, 7pp.
  • Irvine, R.J.; Miller, D.R.; Artz, R.R.E.; Brooker, R.; Chapman, S.J.; Newey, S.; Hester, A.J.; Pakeman, R.J. (2016) Scoping a strategic vision for the uplands: A response from the James Hutton Institute., Response to a Consultation for Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • Matthews, K.B.; Miller, D.G.; Towers, W.; Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Brooker, R.; Brown, I.; Owen, J.; Vinten, A.J.A.; MacLeod, C.J.A. (2016) CAP Greening Review, Summary., Scottish Government and The James Hutton Institute Website.
  • Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Brooker, R.; Brown, I.; Towers, W.; Owen, J.; Vinten, A.J.A.; MacLeod, C.J.A. (2016) CAP Greening Review, Part 4, Expert Panel Review. Views of members of the expert panel on CAP Greening., Scottish Government and The James Hutton Institute Websites.
  • Miller, D.G.; Matthews, K.B.; Towers, W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Brooker, R.J.; Squire, G.; Hawes, C.; Vinten, A.J.A.; MacLeod, C.; Owen, J.; Wardell-Johnson, D.H. (2014) CAP Greening Review – Expert panel – Interim results., Technical Report for Policy.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Ahrends, A.; Bond, C.; Castellazzi, M.; Ellis, C.; Gimona, A.; Harding, A.; Kirkbride, V.; Poggio, L.; Rowan, J.; Wignall, R. (2014) Summary Report: Climate change risk-based assessment for notifiable features in Scotland., Summary Report for CXC, December 2014.
  • Miller, D.R.; Towers, W.; Ruffell, A.; Morrice, J.; Dawson, L.A.; Brooker, R. (2014) A land strategy for Northern Ireland., Report to Land Matters Task Force, Northern Ireland.
  • Mitchell, R.J.; Broome, A.; Harmer, R.; Beaton, J.K.; Bellamy, P.E.; Brooker, R.W.; Duncan, R.; Ellis, C.J.; Hester, A.J.; Hodgetts, N.G.; Iason, G.R.; Littlewood, N.A.; Mackinnon, M.; Pakeman, R.J.; Pozsgai, G.; Ramsey S.; Riach, D.; Stockan, J. A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Woodward, S. (2014) Assessing and addressing the impacts of ash dieback on UK woodlands and trees of conservation importance (Phase 2)., Natural England Report.
  • Albon, S.; Balana, B.; Brooker, R.; Eastwood, A. (2014) A systematic evaluation of Scotland’s Natural Capital Asset Index., Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 751
  • Brooker, R.W.; Ahrends, A.; Bailey, D.; Brewer, M.; Brown, I.; Castellazzi, M.; Gimona, A.; Ellis, C.; Harding, A.; Harrison, P.; Hopkins, C.; Moss, A.; Muir, M.; Poggio, L. (2014) Phase 1 Final Report: Climate change risk-based assessment for notifiable features in Scotland., Report produced for Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • Eastwood, A.; Nijnik, M.; Brooker, R.; Pakeman, R.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Norton, L.; Ross, L.; Bullock, J.; Albon, S.; Vellinga, N.; Fielding, D.; Irvine, R.J.; Ramsay, S.; Cooksley, S. (2013) Nature conservation and ecosystem service delivery., Joint Nature Conservancy Council, Contract C12-0170-0635.
  • Mitchell, R.J.; Bailey, S.; Beaton, J.K.; Bellamy, P.E.; Brooker, R.W.; Broome, A.; Chetcuti, J.; Eaton, S.; Ellis, C.J.; Farren, J.; Gimona, A.; Goldberg, E.; Hall, J.; Harmer, R.; Hester, A.J.; Hewison, R.L.; Hodgetts, N.G.; Hooper, R.J.; Howe, L.; Iason, G.R.; Kerr, G.; Littlewood, N.A.; Morgan, V.; Newey, S.; Potts, J.M.; Pozsgai, G.; Ray, D.; Sim, D.A.; Stockan, J.A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Woodward, S. (2013) Ash dieback: impacts on other species and understanding the ecology of ash., Report to JNCC.
  • Brooker, R.; Aalders, I.H.; Ballingall, K.; Begg, G.; Birch, A.N.E.; Elliott, G.; Ellis, C.; Freitag, T.; Hawes, C.; Holland, J.; Holmes, B.; Hough, R.L.; Karley, A.; McCracken, D.; Mitchell, R.; Stockan, J.; Zadoks, R.; Albon, S.A.; Hester, A.J.; Pakeman, R.J. (2013) Biotic and biophysical underpinning of ecosystem services in the Scottish context: a review., Published online as an outputs from WP 1.1 of the Ecosystem Services Theme of the SRP.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Ahrends, A.; Bailey, D.; Brewer, M.; Brown, I.; Castellazzi, M.; Gimona, A.; Ellis, C.; Harding, A.; Harrison, P.; Hopkins, C.; Moss, A.; Muir, M.; Poggio, L. (2013) Climate change risk-based assessment for notifiable features in Scotland: interim report., Report delivered to SNH as part of the CXC activities.
  • Matthews, K.B.; Artz, R.R.E.; Birch, A.N.E.; Blackstock, K.L.; Brooker, R.; Brown, I.; Cummins, R.; Flanigan, S.; Hallet, P.; Irvine, R.J.; Kenyon, W.; Pakeman, R.J., Prager, K.; Slee, B.; Squire, G.; Stutter, M.; Sutherland, L.; Thomson, K.; Towers, W.; Vinten, A.J.A. (2012) Developing agri-environmental measures for the next Scottish Rural Development Programme: a summary of relevant research findings from the James Hutton Institute., Report to the Scottish Government, Natural Resources Division, SRDP Technical Working Group (Agri-Environment), 11pp, 25 June 2012.

Conference papers

  • Brooker, R.; Hewison, R.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.; Neilson, R.; Pakeman, R.; Raubach, S.; Shaw, P.; Verrall, S.; Karley, A. (2023) Crop mixtures as part of the sustainability toolbox for the distilling industry, World Distilled Spirits Conference, 9 May 2023, EICC, Edinburgh.
  • Brooker, R.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R.; Mitchell, C.; Hewison, R.; Karley, A. (2022) Identifying challenges and developing solutions lessons from participatory approaches to improving and promoting crop mixtures, Crop Production in Northern Britain Conference, 1-2 March 2022, Online.
  • Karley, A.J.; Mitchell, C.; Hawes, C.; Young, M.W.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Iannetta, P.P.M.I.; Newton, A.C. (2020) Crop species mixtures as part of integrated farm management., Proceedings, The Dundee Conference: Crop Production Northern Britain, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 25-26 February 2020, pp143-147.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Schoeb, C.; Karley, A.J. (2020) Linking ecological theory to sustainable crop production., World Biodiversity Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 23-28 February 2020. PowerPoint presentation.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Karley, A.J.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J. (2020) Do we need weeds? The place of non-crop plants in arable systems., Proceedings, The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 25-26 February 2020, pp149-154.
  • Karley, A.J.; Banfield-Zanin, J.A.; Bickler, C.; Bliss, K.; Brooker, R.W.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Midmer, A.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Pearce, B.; Tippin, L.; George, D.R. (2019) Knowledge Exchange in ‘Plant Team’ Cropping with on-farm participatory research., European Conference on Crop Diversification, Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 September 2019. Book of Abstracts, pp56-57.
  • Karley, A.J.; Bickler, C.; Brooker, R.W.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Kiær, L.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Scherber, C.; Weih, M.; Pearce, B.; Schöb, C. (2018) Harnessing innovations in Plant Team cropping through science-practitioner information exchange., XV European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), Geneva, Switzerland, 27-31 August 2018. PS-6-01, p38 (Presentation)
  • Karley, A.J.; Newton, A.C.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Guy, D.; Mitchell, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Weih, M.; Scherber, C.; Klaer, L. (2018) DIVERSify-ing for sustainability using cereal-legume “plant teams”., Association of Applied Biologists Meeting, Advances in Legume Science, Glasgow, UK, 21-22 March 2018. Aspects of Applied Biology, 138, 57-62.
  • Newton, A.C.; Karley, A.J.; Schob, C.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Iannetta, P.; Guy, D.C.; Black, K. (2016) How diverse can crop mixtures be in an integrated pest management context?, The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2016, Dundee, 23-24 February 2016, pp 73-80.
  • Brooker, R.W.; White, P.J.; Hallett, P. (2013) Intercropping and food security., FCO-funded Workshop, The James Hutton Institute, Dundee, 20-21 March 2013.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Cavieres, L.; Butterfield, B.; Callaway, R.; Cook, B.; Kikvidze, Z.; Lortie, C.; Michalet, R.; Pugnaire, F.; Schoeb, C.; Zaitchik, B. (2011) Cushions and communities: the role of biotic interactions in regulating diversity at a global scale., British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, University of Sheffield, 12-14 September 2011.
  • Robinson, D.; Trinder, C.; Brooker, R.W. (2011) The tortoise-and-hare dynamics of plant competition., Presentation, British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, University of Sheffield, 12-14 September 2011.
  • Trinder, C.J.; Brooker, R.; Robinson, D. (2010) Plants and nitrogen: Direct measurement of competition along environmental gradients., Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 95th, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1-6 August 2010.
  • Brooker, R.W. (2009) The changing nature of Scotland’s uplands – an interplay of processes and timescales., Conference Proceedings, The Changing Nature of Scotland, SNH Conference, Perth, October 2009.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Matesanz, S.; Valladares, F.; Beale, C.M.; Klotz, S. (2008) Long term changes in a range margin steppic plant community: the role of climate and the response of community composition and spatial pattern., Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, 5 August 2008.
  • Brooker, R.W. (2006) Climate change and upland biodiversity – targeted research and strengthening the science-policy interface., In: Milne, J.M. (ed.) The Future of Biodiversity in the Uplands, Battleby, Perth, 8 December 2006.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Brooker, R.; Keillor, B.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R.; Karley, A. (2021) Impacts of largescale environmental drivers and crop composition on the benefits of intercropping, British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Liverpool, 13/12/21.
  • Brooker, R.W.; McKenna, T.; Blaney, R.; Ewing, D.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Watkinson, P.; O’Brien, D. (2019) Scotland’s Natural capital Asset Index: Tracking nature’s contribution to national wellbeing., British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Belfast, 10-13 December 2019. Poster presentation.
  • Brooker, R.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Schöb, C. (2018) Plant genetics vs. trait diversity: impacts on weed community assembly., Scotland’s Biennial Land Use and Environment Conference XII, Rewarding the Delivery of Public Goods: How to Achieve this in Practice? Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 28-29 November 2018. (Poster).
  • Brooker, R.W.; Hewison, R.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Schöb, C.; Karley, A.J. (2018) Crop mixtures., BES Annual Meeting 2018, Birmingham, 16-19 December. (Poster)
  • Brooker, R.W. (2018) Exploring opportunities for conservation: research in the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme., Biodiversity Science Conference, Biodiversity Conservation Post 2020: New Challenges and New Approaches, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 5-6 November 2018. (Poster)
  • Brooker, R.W. (2018) Exploring opportunities for conservation: research in the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme., BES Symposium, Securing our Natural Environment for Future Generations, Manchester, 23-24 May 2018. (Poster)
  • Newton, A.C.; Guy, D.; Brooker, R. (2018) Disease control in variety mixtures is not directly linked with yield benefit., Phytopathology, 108, S1.177. Abstract.
  • Newton, A.C.; Guy, D.C.; Brooker, R. (2017) Disease control in variety mixtures is not directly linked with yield benefit., International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) 2018, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, USA, 29 July – 3 August 2017. Abstract.
  • Brooker, R.; Iannetta, P.; Karley, A.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Schoeb, C. (2016) Plant genetic vs. trait diversity: impacts on weed community assembly, British Ecological Society 2016 Annual Meeting, Liverpool, 11-14 December 2016. (Poster)
  • Brooker, R.W.; Britton, A.J.; Eastwood, A.; Ellis, C.; Genney, D.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L. (2013) Translocations for conservation during climate change: An adaptation case study., PEER Science for the Environment Meeting, Aarhus, Denmark, 2-4 October 2013. Poster.
  • Hester, A.J.; Brooker, R.; Martin-Ortega, J.; Waylen, K.A.; McVittie, A.; Irvine, R.J.; Blackstock, K.L.; Gimona, A. (2013) Natural capital, ecosystem services and land use decision-making Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme, World Forum on Natural Capital, Edinburgh, 21-22 November 2013
  • Brooker, R.W.; Britton, A.J.; Eastwood, A.; Ellis, C.; Genney, D.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L. (2013) Translocations for conservation during climate change: an adaptation case study, The Scottish Biodiversity Strategy: Opportunities and Challenges for Science, Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, 19-20 September 2013. Poster
  • Black, H.I.J.; Brooker, R.W.; McVittie, A.; Irvine, R.J.; Coull, M.C. (2011) Ecosystem Services in the Scottish Government’s Environmental Change Research Programme, British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2011, University of Sheffield, 12-14 September 2011.
  • Brooker, R.W. (2011) Translocation in response to climate change: A feasibility study in the Scottish uplands., Natural England Workshop, Charles Darwin House, London, January 2011.
  • Brooker, R.W. (2010) Scottish Primrose: between the devil and the deep blue sea?, Macaulay Institute Open Doors, June 2010.
  • Hester, A.J.; Brooker, R.W.; Osler, G.H.R.; Campbell, C.D.; Mitchell, R. (2007) The impacts of woodland colonisation into moorland., Making Scotland’s Rural Environment More Sustainable, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 25 June 2007.
  • Keith, A.M.; van der Wal, R.; Brooker, R.W.; Osler, G.H.R.; Chapman, S.J.; Burslem, D.F.R.P. (2006) Do litter diversity and composition influence microbial and faunal community structure?, British Ecological Society, Annual Meeting, Oxford, 5-7 September 2006.
  • Osler, G.H.R.; Brooker, R.W.; Campbell, C.D.; Iason, G.R.; Gollisch, J. (2006) Individual pine trees as determinants of mite assemblages., International Congress of Acarology, Amsterdam, August 2006. Abstract.