Tracy Valentine

Research Leader Plant:Soils interactions
Ecological Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

Tracy has over 20 years experience in applied and basic research at the plant root:soils interface.

Plant roots are highly dynamic, and the shape or root system architecture is both genetically determined and highly influenced by the growing environment.  Soil of agricultural systems is impacted by management, including tillage (ploughing or direct drilling of seeds), pesticide and herbicide usage (an the weight and timing of the machinery used) and the sequences of crops gown on the land.  Thus, the interaction of the management, crop genetics, soil management and local environment interact affecting the soil physical and biological status, the success of the crop, and the local environment (through for example biodiversity and fertiliser run off).

Tracy’s expertise is in utilising image analysis, molecular and soil physical analysis methods to investigate the processes and impacts of nutrient and soil physical and biological management on plant root growth and development, and root:soil biological and physical interactions and wider ecological impacts.  Her research aims to facilitate improved crop breeding and improvements in the management of cropping systems, via increasing knowledge of root:soil biological and physical processes at a range of scales.

The current direction of her research includes specific effect of climate change on cropping rotations, and the adaption of crop varieties to no-till systems (reduced fuel usage), and the implementation and diversity of cover crops in northern climates for increase biodiversity and resilience, together with multiscale mechanistic understanding of the direct physical interactions of plant roots and soil.

    • Tracy currently manages – Grieves House Tillage Trial – This long-term trial was instigated in the Autumn of 2017, it is a full replicated trial, with a spring rotation (with fallow soil over winter) and a winter rotation (where soil is covered as much as possible).  Each rotation includes four years of cropping.  The winter rotation currently includes two winter period of cover crops.  Each rotation has plots managed under traditional inversion plough or no-tillage.  More details can be found at Grieves House Tillage Trial ( and GrievesHouse (
    • Optimisation of cover crops for Scottish climatic conditions – This project aims to investigate and overcome some of the climate change and abiotic stress relating issues in establishing of winter cover cropping in northern climates.  Examples include shorter days, potentially establishing in drier period of the year, cooler temperatures.  Methods include root (and plant) phenotyping, investigations of impacts on the soil environment, and interactions between soil management and cover crop seeds and roots.
    • Healthy Soil for a green recovery – Understanding how changes in agriculture impact on the performance of crop plants, as well as the impact of the management on soils is key to developing more sustainable farming practices in terms of crop yield, long-term soils sustainability and farm income sustainability.
    • Development of imaging and image-analysis based methods for root and soil phenotyping.  These projects include image analysis of soil structure utilising flat bed scanners, and multispectral scanners, development of rhizotron and model soil systems for analysis of plant and soil physical interactions including root meristem growth (Transparent soil, PlantVis) and root hair phenotyping at multiple scales.

    Over the last 10 years Tracy has supervised eight Ph.D. students and have examined Ph.D. students’ theses from multiple countries.  The groups funding has been obtained from multiple sources:

    •             Nov 2023 – Oct 2025 HORIZON Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022 (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01) Fellowship, UKRI Postdoc Guarantee -Uncovering the mechanisms of the root gravitropic set-point angle and its application in agriculture. €220K

    •             Oct 2021 – Sep 2025 HydroNations PhD studentship Scholarship.  Optimising water use and soil carbon sequestration – can agricultural co-cropping systems provide multiple benefits to address climate change?  Total Value £172K

    •             Oct 2016 –Mar 2020 BBSRC PhD studentship funding via STARS PhD programme.  Modelling Variety Dependant Least Limiting Water Range: Assessing the Limits to Root Elongation in Field Soil

    •             Apr 2016 – Mar 2021       AHDB Management of Rotations –Total value £1760K, Value to JHI £411K. (Proj Number 91140001)

    •             Apr 2014 – Mar 2018       EU NASSTEC– The NAtive Seed Science, TEchnology and Conservation Initial Training Network. Lead – University of Pavia, MUSE, Trento, Italy; JHI Total Value £2699K Value to JHI £230k PITN-GA-2013-607785

Past research

  • Movement, replication and suppression of Tobacco mosaic virus and Tobacco rattle virus in tobacco and Arabidopsis. Utilisation of Tobacco rattle virus as a vector for inducing gene silencing of endogenous root development genes (Mylnefield Research Services).
  • Growth and development effects of cell wall carbohydrates (University College London)


Books / chapters

  • White, P.J.; Bengough, A.G.; Bingham, I.J.; George, T.S.; Karley, A.J.; Valentine, T.A. (2009) Induced mutations affecting root architecture and mineral acquisition in barley., In: Shu, Q.Y. (ed.). Induced Plant Mutations in the Genomics Era. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, pp381-384

Technical / contract reports

  • McKenzie B.M.; Binnie, K.; Valentine, T.A. (2022) Management of Rotations, Soil Structure and Water (Rotations Research Partnership) – Final report, AHDB Rotations Research Partnership.
  • McKenzie, B.M.; Stobart, R.; Brown, J.L.; George, T.S.; Morris, N.; Newton, A.C.; Valentine, T.A.; Hallett, P.D. (2017) Platforms to test and demonstrate sustainable soil management: integration of major UK field experiments., AHDB Final Report RD-2012-3786, 178pp.
  • Greenland, A.G.; Bentley, S.; Jones, H.; Karley, A.; Lee, D.; Sherlock, D.; Valentine, T.; White, C.; Young. P. (2017) New wheat root ideotypes for improved resource use efficiency and yield performance in reduced input agriculture., AHDB Project Report, Reference No. RD-2008-3575.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Bengough, A.G.; Hallett, P.D.; McKenzie, B.M. (2010) Root traits for a changing physical environment., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2009, pp13-14.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.S.; Wishart, J.; Young, M.W.; Karley, A.J.; Valentine, T.A.; Hawes, C.; Squire, G.R. (2006) Common wild plants as biodiversity indicators., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2006, pp42-43.
  • Bengough, A.G.; Hallett, P.D.; McKenzie, B.M.; Valentine, T.A.; Wuyts, N. (2006) Dynamics of root-soil systems., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2006, pp40-41.
  • Bengough, A.G.; Barlow, P.W.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Griffiths, B.S.; Humphris, S.N.; Iijima, M.; Killham, K.; Rodger, S.; Stubbs, V.; Valentine, T.A.; Young, I.M. (2004) Root border cells in plant-soil interactions., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2003/2004, 160-161.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Dorward, M.; Oparka, K.J. (1999) The silence of the RAMs – viral suppression in root apical meristems., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1999/2000, pp132-135.

Conference papers

  • Brown, J.L.; Stobart, R.; Hallett, P.D.; Morris, N.L.; George, T.S.; Newton, A.C.; Valentine, T.A.; McKenzie, B.M. (2018) There are no differences in soil carbon storage between inversion tillage and reduced tillage systems in medium-term experiments in the UK., 21st International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) Conference Proceedings, Paris, 24-27 September 2018, pp130-131.
  • Binnie, K.; McKenzie, B.M.; Valentine, T.A. (2018) Assessment of pore-size distribution using a flatbed scanner based image analysis method., 21st International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) Conference Proceedings, Paris, 24-27 September 2018, pp30-31.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Binnie, K.; Stobart, E.; Hallett, P.D.; Morris, N.L.; George, T.S.; Newton, A.C.; McKenzie, B.M. (2018) A root elongation assay
    for assessing the impact of tillage
    in medium-term management trial.
    , 21st International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) Conference, Paris, France, 24-27 September 2018, 2pp.
  • Newton, A.C.; Guy, D.C.; Valentine, T.; George, T.S.; McKenzie, B.M.; Hackett, C.A. (2018) Differential adaptation of spring barley cultivars to inversion and non-inversion tillage., Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2018: The Dundee Conference, Environmental Management and Crop Production, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 27-28 February 2018. Conference Proceedings, pp109-114.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Upton, C.; Binnie, K.; Dupuy, L.X.; Karley, A.J.; Schmidt, S.; White, P.; Bengough, G. (2015) Tools and techniques for phenotyping plant:soil interactions., Integrated Plant and Algal Phenomics (IPAP) Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30 June 2015.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Upton, C.; Bentley, S.; Greenland, A.; Otten, W.; Schmidt, S.; Squire, G.; Dupuy, L.X.; Karley, A.J. (2015) Recent developments in root phenotyping pipelines of cereal crops: transparent soil and rhizotubes., ISSR 2015. 9th International Symposium of the ISRR. “Roots down under – Belowground solutions to global challenges”, Canberra, Australia, 6-9 October 2015. Paper O-23.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Bengough, A.G.; Dupuy, L.X.; Hallett, P.; Karley, A.J.; McKenzie, B.M.; Newton, A.; Schmidt, S.; Stobart, R.; Squire, G.; Young, M.; Hawes, C. (2015) Evaluating interactions at the plant:soil interface., UK-India Initiative in Agroecology, Centre for Pollination Studies, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India, 21-23 February 2015.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Karley, A.J.; Binnie, K.; Skiba, A.K.; Squire, G.R.; Bentley, S.; Jones, H.; Greenland, A. (2015) Root phenotyping systems: contrasting controlled environment ex situ and in the field systems., 2015 Monogram Network Meeting, Rothamsted, Harpenden, 29 April – 1 May 2015. PowerPoint presentation.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Karley, A.J.; Squire, G.R.; Bentley, S.; Jones, H.; Greenland, A. (2015) Root phenotyping systems: contrasting controlled environment ex situ and in the field systems., MonoGram, Rothamsted Research, 29 April – 1 May 2015.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Upton, C.; Binnie, K.; Dupuy, L.X.; Karley, A.K.; Schmidt, S.; White, P.; Bengough, A.G. (2015) Tools and techniques for phenotyping plant:soil interactions. , International Plant and Algal Phenomics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30 June 2015.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Upton, C.M.; Bentley, S.; Greenland, A.; Otten, W.; Schmidt, S.; Squire, G.; Dupuy, L.X.; Karley, A.J. (2015) Recent developments in root phenotyping pipelines of cereal crops: Transparent soil and rhizotubes., 9th International Symposium of the International Society of Root Research, Roots Down Under – Belowground Solutions to Global Chanllenges, Canberra, Australia 6-9 October 2015.
  • Bengough, A.G.; Hallett, P.D.; Huber, K.; Javaux, M.; McKenzie, B.M.; Schmidt, S.; Valentine, T.A.; Vanderborght, J. (2014) What limits growth in field soils?, Society for Experimental Biology (SEB), Annual Main Meeting, University of Manchester, 30 June – 4 July 2014.
  • Upton, C.M., Dupuy, L.X.; Schmidt, S.; Downie, H.; Otten, W.; Valentine, T.A. (2014) Quantifying 3D root system architecture of roots grown in transparent soil – current progress, challenges and future work., Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) Conference, University of Manchester, July 2014. Scientific Session – Roots for global food security (a tribute to Bill Davies).
  • Valentine, T.A.; Upton, C.; Binnie, K.; Downie, H.; Schmidt, S.; Otten, W.; Dupuy, L.X.; Hawes, C.; Young, M.; Squire, G.; Bengough, A.G. (2014) Visualization and quantification of root responses to soil strength and pore structure., Plant Biology Europe FESPB/EPSO Congress 2014, Dublin, 22-26 June 2014.
  • Hallett, P.D.; Stobart, R.; George, T.S.; Morris, N.; Newton, A.C.; Valentine, T.A.; McKenzie, B.M. (2014) Temporal dynamics of soil physical conditions for crop growth under a range of tillage practices and the impact on the performance of contrasting modern cereal varieties., 20th World Congress of Soil Science, “Soils and Food Security”, Jeju, South Korea, 8-13 June 2014.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.; James, E.K.; Smith, B.; Davies, C.; Karley, A.J.; Lopez del Egido, L.; Hawes, C.; Young, M.; Ramsay, G.; Birch, A.N.E.; Valentine, T.A.; Warburton-Brown, C.; Goldring, A.; Hughes, T.; Sprent, J.; Wolfe, M.; Rees, R.M. (2013) Sustainable intensification: a pivotal role for legume supported cropped systems., AAB/BeS-AeG Rethinking Farmed Systems in the UK, St. Catherine’s College University of Oxford, 18-19 December 2013. Co-organiser/Invited speaker. Aspects Applied Biology 121, 73-82.
  • George, T.S.; Valentine, T.; Newton, A.; McKenzie, M.; Stobart, R.; Morris, N.; Hallett, P.D. (2013) Impacts of cultivation on rooting characteristics and resource acquisition by barley., Scotland’s Monitor Farms Meeting, Stirling, 30-31 May 2013.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Karley, A.J.; Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Hallett, P.D.; Bengough, A.G. (2012) How does variation in root traits affect barley cultivar responses to agriculturally relevant soil physical constraints?., 8th Symposium of the International Society for Root Research, Dundee, 26-29 June 2012 (Invited talk).
  • Karley, A.J.; Hawes, C.; Valentine, T.A.; Johnson, S.N.; Toorop, P.E.; Squire, G.R.; Young, M.W.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2011) Can arable weeds contribute to ecosystem service provision? Functional diversity in shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris L. Medik.)., Aspects of Applied Biology, Agricultural Ecology Research: Its role in delivering sustainable farm systems, Dundee, 15-16 June 2011, 109, pp31-38.
  • Karley, A.J.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Valentine, T.A.; Bingham, I.J.; Hoad, S.; Young, M.W.; Squire, G.R. (2010) Impact of plant traits on nitrogen-efficiency and compartmentation in arable systems., Association of Applied Biologists – Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Plants and Crops, Olde Barn Hotel, Marston, Lincs, UK 15-16 December 2010. Aspects of Applied Biology, 105, 89-96.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Binnie, K.; Barnett, C.M.; McKenzie, B.M.; Bengough, A.G. (2009) Root responses to soil physical constraints: Quantitative gene expression analysis., 7th International Symposium of the Society for Root Research: Root Research and Applications, Vienna, Austria, 2-4 September 2009.
  • McKenzie, B.M.; Valentine, T.A.; Bengough, A.G.; Krol, M. (2009) Root plasticity to water and its relevance for drought tolerance., 7th International Symposium of the Society for Root Research: Root Research and Applications, Vienna, Austria, 2-4 September 2009.
  • Karley, A.J.; Binnie, K.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Valentine, T.A.; Wright, G.M.; Young, M.W. (2008) Crop traits for crop-weed coexistence in reduced input arable systems., British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2008, Imperial College, London, 3-5 September 2008.
  • McKenzie, B.M.; Krol, M.; Binnie, K.; Bengough, A.G.; Hallett, P.D.; Valentine, T.A.; Lilly, A. (2008) Putting together measures of soil physical quality., Eurosoil 2008, Vienna, Austria, 25-29 August 2008.
  • Wishart, J.; Scriven, C.; Begg, G.S.; Neilson, R.; Valentine, T.A.; Squire, G.R.; Dale, M.F.B.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2007) Nematode mediated Tobacco Rattle Virus (TRV) infection in time-to-flowering (TTF) variants of Capsella., Scottish Root Group, University of Aberdeen, 14 September 2007.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Karley, A.J.; Hallett, P.D.; McKenzie, B.M.; Bengough, A.G. (2007) Genetic variation and interactions of root traits involved in plant:soil physical interactions., Rhizosphere 2, Montpellier, France, 26-31 August 2007.
  • Wuyts, N.; Roberts, T.J.; Bengough, A.G.; Bransby, M.F.; McKenna, S.J.; Valentine, T.A. (2007) New tools for motion analysis of time-lapse confocal laser scanning microscopy images to explore the dynamics of Arabidopsis root growth., Rhizosphere 2, Montpellier, France, 26-31 August 2007.
  • Bengough, A.G.; Roberts, T.J.; Wuyts, N.; Hans, J.; McKenna, S.J.; Valentine, T.A.; Bransby, M.F.; Dupuy, L.; Haseloff, J. (2007) Computer visualisation and modelling of plant morphogenesis: Motion analysis of time-lapse confocal microscopy images., BBSRC Joint Bioinformatics and e-Science, Proteomics and Cell Function Grantholders Workshop, Cheshire, 8-10 January 2007.
  • Roberts, T.J.; McKenna, S.J.; Wuyts, N.; Valentine, T.A.; Bengough, A.G. (2007) Performance of low-level motion estimation methods for confocal microscopy of plant cells in vivo., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Austin, Texas, 21-22 February 2007.
  • Walker, D.M.; Binnie, K.; Bengough, A.G.; Hallett, P.D.; Valentine, T.A.; McKenzie, B.M. (2006) A stochastic process model helps link root growth and least limiting water range., ISTRO-2006, International Soil Tillage Research Organization Conference, Kiel, Germany, 23 August – 3 September 2006.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Valentine, T.; Binnie, K.; Grieves, J.; Newton, A. (2024) Grieves House Tillage Trial What have we learnt from six years of transition to notillage cultivation, Crop Production in Northern Britain 2024 Abstract booklet, 27 – 28 February, Apex Hotel Dundee, UK
  • Newton, A.; Grieves, J.; Valentine, T. (2024) Tillage, season, management and crop history all affect yield ranking Which is more important for resilience assessment, Crop Prouction in Northern Britain 2024, UK 27-28 February 2024, Apex Hotel Dundee
  • Valentine, T.; Binnie, K.; Collie, M.; Hardy, C. (2023) Grieves House Tillage Trial – Transitioning to open science A virtual tour and data dashboard, Hutton Annual Research Symposium, 21 November 2023, Apex Hotel, Dundee
  • Hawes, C.; Valentine, T. (2023) Designing arable cropping systems for multiple benefits the need for a long-term perspective, Abstract Booklet –
    AAB / USDA/CGIAR – Long-term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, 20-22 June 2023, Rothamsted Research, UK
  • Hawes, C.; Christie, A.; Valentine, T. (2023) Designing arable cropping systems for multiple benefits: the need for a long-term perspective, AAB Conference – Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, 20-22 June 2023, Rothamsted
  • Valentine, T.A.; Binnie, K.; Hawes, C.; George, T.; Stobart, R.; Hallett, P.; Newton, A.C.; McKenzie, B.M (2022) Impact of reduced tillage and rotations on rootsoil relations in medium and long term UK field trials, Abstract Submission to the 22nd World Congress of Soil Science, 31 July – 5 August 2022, Glasgow.
  • Binnie, K.; Hawes, C.; Newton, A.C.; McKenzie, B.M.; Valentine, T. (2020) To assess the effect of different soil physical conditions on the initial root growth of root vegetables. , James Hutton Institute Annual Research Symposium, 25-27 November 2020. (Online) (Poster)
  • Valentine, T.; Binnie, K.; McKenzie, B.M.; Hawes, C.; Newton, A.C. (2020) To assess the effect of different soil physical conditions on the initial root growth of root vegetables., James Hutton Institute Annual Research Symposium, 25-27 November 2020. (Online) (Poster)
  • Valentine, T.; Binnie, K.; McKenzie, B.; Hawes, C.; Newton, A.C. (2020) Assessing the effect of reduced input agricultural rotations on soil physical structure using image analysis., James Hutton Institute Annual Research Symposium, 25-27 November 2020. (Online) (Abstract)
  • Holden, N.J.; Marshall, J.; Valentine, T.A.; Newton, A. (2018) Relating tillage management systems of barley to rhizosphere composition and fungal disease., International Phytobiomes Conference 2018, Montpellier, France, 4-6 December 2018. (Poster)
  • Upton, C.; Dupuy, L.X.; Schmidt, S.; Otten, W.; Valentine, T.A. (2015) Visualization and quantification of root responses to soil strength and pore structure: Utility of transparent soil., ISSR 2015. 9th International Symposium of the ISRR. “Roots down under – Belowground solutions to global challenges”., Canberra, Australia, 6-9 October 2015. (Poster).
  • Upton, C.; Downie, H.; Schmidt, S.; Dupuy, L.X.; Otten, W.; Valentine, T.A. (2015) Visualization and quantification of root response to soil strength and pore structure: Utility of transparent soil., SEB (Society of Experimental Biology) Annual Main Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 30 June – 3 July 2015. Poster P2.71.
  • Dello Jacovo, E.; James, E.K.; Kenicer, G.; Park, L.; Valentine, T.A.; Bonomi, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2015) Conserving rare and endangered mountain legumes in the genera Astragalus and Oxytropis., British Ecological Society, Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, 14-16 December 2015. Poster presentation.
  • Hallett, P.D.; Stobart, R.; Valentine, T.A.; George, T.S.; Morris, N.; Newton, A.C.; McKenzie, B.M. (2014) How do soil physical conditions for crop growth vary over time under established contrasting tillage regimes?, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 2 May 2014. (Poster)
  • Hallett, P.D.; Stobart, R.; Valentine, T.A.; George, T.S.; Morris, N.; Newton, A.C.; McKenzie, B.M. (2014) Dynamics of soil physical conditions for crop growth under established contrasting tillage regimes., British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) Annual Meeting, University of Manchester, 3-4 September 2014. (Poster)
  • Valentine, T.A.; Hallett, P.D.; Binnie, K.; Young, M.W.; Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Bengough, A.G. (2014) Soil strength and pore structure interact to influence root elongation in many agricultural soils., Society of Experimental Biology (SEB) Annual Main Meeting, University of Manchester, 1-4 July 2014. (Poster)
  • Karley, A.J.; Valentine, T.A.; Squire, G.R.; Binnie, K.; Skiba, A.K.; Doherty, S.B. (2012) Wheat root ideotypes for improved resource use in reduced input agriculture., 8th Symposium of the International Society for Root Research, Dundee, 26-29 June 2012 (Poster).
  • Valentine, T.A.; Karley, A.J.; Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Hallett, P.D.; Bengough, A.G. (2011) Soil physical indicators: matching root traits to soil physical constraints., Rhizosphere 3 International Conference, Perth, Australia, 25-30 September 2011. (Poster)
  • Valentine, T.A.; Binnie, K.; Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Hallett, P.D.; Bengough, A.G. (2010) Quantitative analysis of root response to multiple physical constraints: effects of soil pore structure., XVII Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (FESPB), Valencia, Spain, 4-9 July 2010. (Poster)
  • Bengough, A.G.; Valentine, T.A.; McKenzie, B.M.; Hallett, P.D.; Dietrich, R.; White, P.J.; Jones, H.G. (2009) Physical limitations to root growth: screening, scaling and reality., 7th International Symposium of the Society for Root Research: Root Research and Applications, Vienna, Austria, 2-4 September 2009. (Abstract).