Prof Sutherland is based in the Hutton’s Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences Group. In her role as Director of ILUSC she secured and oversees the Just Transition Hub and Immersive Nature-Based Solutions Space, which aim to build capacity for creative, collaborative research. Raised on a family farm in Canada, Prof Sutherland is a interdisciplinary social scientist with a background European agrarian development, human-environment relations, and farm-level decision-making. She is perhaps best known for her work in developing the ‘Triggering Change’ model of farmer decision-making. Her current research on recreational approaches to farming engagement (both for non-commercial farmers and on-line gamers) is a progression of her research on land manager relationships with the agri-environment. Lee-Ann is also leading research on social justice issues in agriculture (gender, new entrants, ethnicity) and agricultural knowledge and innovation systems.
Prof Sutherland is a visiting professor at Ruralis in Norway and the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. She is appointed to the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Rural Studies, Agricultural and Human Values and Land Use Policy. She is appointed to Scottish Government’s Academic Advisory Group for the Agricultural Reform Oversight Board. She has published over 70 peer reviewed journal articles and two academic books to date.
Prof Sutherland is Co-Principle Investigator on the UKRI, Defra, DESNZ and Scottish Government funded Land Use for Net Zero Hub Home – Lunz Hub. This innovative collaboration brings together 34 leading organisations from across the UK to identify the pathways forward for achieving Net Zero, biodiversity and other targets for land use, soils and agricultural systems.
Prof Sutherland coordinated the European Commission-funded H2020 PLAID project (Peer to Peer Learning: Accessing Innovation through Demonstration) (2017-2019) and FP7 FarmPath project (Farming Transitions: Pathways towards regional sustainability of agriculture in Europe) (2010-2014). She led the Hutton team on the H2020 RoadMap project, as well as for eight other European Commission-funded projects, and several Scottish Government funded streams of work.
Lee-Ann has a strong interest in social justice issues in the agricultural sector, and was appointed to the Scottish Government’s Women in Agriculture Task Force from 2017 to 2019. She was appointed to be the Coordinating Expert for the EIP Agri Focus Group on New Entrants to Farming (2015-2016) and co-authored the European Parliaments’ Review of New Entrant Supports in 2017.
Co-Principle Investigator: Land Use for Net Zero Hub. (2023-2027). UKRI, Scottish Government, Defra, DESNZ.
Principle Investigator. (2024). SEFARI AKIS Fellowship.
Past research
- Principle Investigator: H2020 RoadMap: Rethinking the use of antimicrobials in livestock production systems (2019 – 2023) European Commission.
- Principle Investigator: Co-designing and implementing best-fit farming practices (2022 – 2024) Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme
- Co-Investigator: Supporting Scotland’s Land Use Transformations (2022-2024) Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme
- Co-Investigator: Scottish Government Centre of Expertise on Animal Disease Outbreaks (2022-2023)
- H2020 AgriLink: Agricultural Knowledge: Linking farmers, advisors and researchers to boost innovation (2017-2021)
- H2020 NEWBIE: New Entrant Network: Business Models for innovation, resilience and entrepreneurship in European Agriculture (2017-2021)
- H2020 PLAID: Peer to Peer Learning: Accessing Innovation through Demonstration. (2017-2019)
- Women in Farming and the Agriculture Sector. Scottish Government. (2016-2017)
- H2020 SALSA: Small farms, small food businesses and food security. European Commission-funded H2020 project (2016-2020).
- EIP Agri Focus Group: New entrants to farming. Lessons to foster innovation and entrepreneurship. (2015-2016)
- PRO AKIS: Prospects for Farmers’ Support: Advisory Services in European AKIS (2012-2015). EC FP7 project. (
- FarmPath: Farming Transitions: Pathways towards regional sustainability of agriculture in Europe (2011 to 2014). EC FP7 project. (
- GILDED: Governance, Infrastructure, Lifestyle Dynamics and Energy Demand: European Post-Carbon Communities: EC Framework 7 Project (2008 to 2012).
- RELU SCALE: Rural Economy and Land Use Programme project – The Effects of Scale in Organic Agriculture (2006 to 2010).
- Sutherland, L-A.; McKee, A.; Hopkins, J.; Hasler, H. (2023) Breaking Patriarchal Succession Cycles: How Land Relations Influence Women’s Roles in Farming, Rural Sociology, 88(2), 512-545
- Creaney, R.; Hasler, H.; Sutherland, L-A. (2023) What’s in a name? Defining new entrants to farming, Eurochoices, 22(1), 58-65
- Sutherland, L. (2023) Who do we want our ‘new generation’ of farmers to be? The need for demographic reform in European agriculture, Agricultural and Food Economics, 11, Art. 3
- Sutherland, L-A.; Adamsone-Fiskovica, A.; Elzen, B.; Koutsouris, A.; Laurent, C.; Stræte, E.P.; Labarthe, P. (2022) Advancing AKIS with assemblage thinking, Journal of Rural Studies, 97, 57-69
- Sutherland, L.; Labarthe, P. (2022) Introducing ‘microAKIS’: a farmer-centric approach to understanding the contribution of advice to agricultural innovation, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 28(5), 525-547
- Enticott, G.; O’Mahony, K.; Shortall, O.; Sutherland, L. (2022) ‘Natural born carers’? Reconstituting gender identity in the labour of calf care, Journal of Rural Studies, 95, 362-372
- Labarthe, P.; Sutherland, L-A.; Laurent, C.; Nguyen, G.; Tisenkopfs, T.; Triboulet, P.; Bechtet, N.; Bulten, E.; Elzen, B.; Madureira, L.; Noble, C.; Prazan, J.; Townsend, L.; Zarokosta, E.; Prager, K.; Redman, M. (2022) Who are Advisory Services Leaving Out? A Critical Reflection on ‘Hard to Reach’ Farmers, Eurochoices, 21, 50-55
- Labarthe, P.; Sutherland, L.; Noble, C.; LeLoup, H. (2022) Rethinking the Dimensions of Farm Advice, Eurochoices, 21, 3-4
- Sutherland, L-A.; Labarthe, P. (2022) Should ‘Impartial’ Advice be a Priority of European Agricultural and Rural Policies?, Eurochoices, 21(1), 15-22
- Sutherland, L-A.; Madureira, L.; Elzen, B.; Noble, C.; Bechtet, N.; Townsend, L.; Zarokosta, E.; Triboulet, P. (2022) What Can We Learn from Droppers and Non-adopters About the Role of Advice in Agricultural Innovation?, Eurochoices, 21, 40-49
- Konecná, M.M. ; Sutherland, L-A. (2022) Digital innovations in the Czech Republic Developing the inner circle of the Triggering Change Model, Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 28(5), 577-600
- Sutherland, L-A. (2022) Picturing Gentrification: Co-Producing Affective Landscapes in an Agrarian Locale, Society & Natural Resources, 35(6), 591- 610
- Barnes, A. P.; MacMillan, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Hopkins, J.; Thomson, S. G. (2022) Farmer intentional pathways for net zero carbon: Exploring the lock-in effects of forestry and renewables, Land Use Policy, 112, Article No. 105861
- Fuller, A.M.; Xu, S.; Sutherland, L-A.; Escher, F. (2021) Land to the Tiller: The Sustainability of Family Farms, Sustainability, 13(20), Art. 11452
- Sutherland, L-A.; Marchand, F. (2021) On-farm demonstration: Enabling peer-to-peer learning, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 27(5), 573-590
- Sutherland, L-A. (2021) Horsification: Embodied gentrification in rural landscapes, Geoforum, 126, 37-47
- Sutherland, L-A.; Burton, R.J.F.; Adamson-Fiskovica, A.; Hardy, C.; Elzen, B.; Debruyne, L.; Flanigan, S. (2021) The Inclusivity of On-farm Demonstration: gender, age and geographical factors, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 27, 591-613
- Sutherland, L-A. (2021) Two good interview questions: Mobilizing the ‘good farmer’ and the ‘good day’ concepts to enable more-than-representational research, Sociologia Ruralis, 61(4), 681-703
- Sutherland, L-A. (2020) Virtualizing the “good life”: reworking narratives of agrarianism and the rural idyll in a computer game., Agriculture and Human Values, 37, 1155-1173.
- Sutherland, L-A.; Calo, A. (2020) Assemblage and the ‘good farmer’: New entrants to crofting in Scotland, Journal of Rural Studies, 80, 532-542
- Zmija, K.; Fortes, A.; Tia, M.N.; Sumane, S.; Ayambila, S.N.; Zmija, D.; Satola, L.; Sutherland, L-A. (2020) Small farming and generational renewal in the context of food security challenges., Global Food Security, 26, Article No. 100412.
- Sutherland, L-A. (2020) The ‘desk-chair countryside’: affect, authenticity and the rural idyll in a farming computer game., Journal of Rural Studies, 78, 350-363.
- Zagata, L.; Sutherland, L-A.; Hrabak, J.; Lostak, M. (2020) Mobilising the past: Towards a conceptualisation of retro-innovation., Sociologia Ruralis, 60, 639-660.
- Shortall, S.; McKee, A.; Sutherland, L-A. (2020) The performance of occupational closure: the case of agriculture and gender., Sociologia Ruralis, 60, 40-57.
- Sutherland, L-A. (2020) Finding ‘hobby’ farmers: a” parish study” methodology for qualitative research., Sociologia Ruralis, 60, 129-150.
- Sutherland, L-A.; Barlagne, C.; Barnes, A.P. (2019) Beyond hobby farming: towards a typology of non-commercial farming., Agriculture and Human Values, 36, 475-493.
- Sutherland, L.-A. (2019) Agriculture and inequalities: Gentrification in a Scottish parish., Journal of Rural Studies, 68, 240-250.
- Shortall, S.; McKee, A.; Sutherland, L-A. (2019) Why do farm accidents persist? Normalising danger on the farm within the farm family., Sociology of Health and Illness, 41, 470-483.
- Toma, L.; Barnes, A.P.; Sutherland,L-A.; Thomson, S.; Burnett, F.; Mathews, K.B. (2018) Impact of information transfer on farmers’ uptake of innovative crop technologies: a structural equation model applied to survey data., Journal of Technology Transfer, 43, 864-881.
- Sutherland, L-A.; Huttunen, S. (2018) Linking practices of multifunctional forestry to policy objectives: case studies in Finland and the UK., Forest Policy and Economics, 86, 35-44.
Prior to appointment
- Small, L.A. (2005) The influence of “family” on agrarian structure: revisiting the family farm debate in Bulgaria and Southern Russia., Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 36, 497-503.
- Small, L.A. (2004) The opportunity of subsistence-style agriculture: A livelihoods perspective on agrarian change in Central and Eastern Europe., Land-Berichte, 7, 38-57.(In German)
- Small, L.A. (2003) The opportunity of subsistence-style agriculture: A livelihoods perspective on agrarian change in Central and Eastern Europe., Eastern European Countryside, October, pp45-62.
- Small, L.A. (2002) Social capital for development: What does it mean when there isn’t any?, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 13, 7-25.
Books / chapters
- Forney, J.; Sutherland, L-A. (2021) Identities on the family farm: agrarianism, materiality and the good farmer, In: James, H.S. (ed.). Handbook on the Human Impact of Agriculture. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, Chapter 5, pp 65-84
- Burton, R.; Forney, J.; Stock, P.; Sutherland, L-A. (eds.) (2020) The Good Farmer: Culture and identity in food and agriculture, London: Routledge, 196pp
- Roberts, D.; Torrance, L.; Stirton, G.; Britton, A.J.; Craig, C.-A.; Kyle, C; Newman, C.; Macaulay, C.; Fielding, D.; Watson, H.; Pohle, I.; Robertson, J.; Maxwell, J.; Irvine, K.; Sutherland, L-A.; Dawson, L.A.; Shepherd, L.; Miller, P.; Ellis, R.; Richards, S.; Blok, V.; Hackett, C.; Kettle, H. (2018) Women in Science, The James Hutton Institute, 25pp
- Sutherland, L.A.; Darnhofer, I.; Wilson, G.A.; Zagata, L. (2015) Transition pathways towards sustainability in agriculture: case studies from Europe., In: Sutherland, L.-A., Darnhofer, I., Wilson G. A. & Zagata, L. (eds.). Transition Pathways towards Sustainability in Agriculture: Case Studies from Europe. CABI, Wallingford, Chapter 1-14, ppxiii-229.
- Darnhofer, I.; Sutherland, L.A.; Pinto-Correia, T. (2015) Conceptual insights derived from case studies on ’emerging transitions’ in farming., In: Sutherland, L.-A., Darnhofer, I., Wilson G. A. & Zagata, L. (eds.). Transition Pathways towards Sustainability in Agriculture: Case Studies from Europe. CABI, Wallingford, Chapter 13, pp189-204.
- Sutherland, L.-A.; Wilson, G.A.; Zagata, L. (2015) Introduction., In: Sutherland, L-A., Darnhofer, I., Wilson G. A. & Zagata, L. (eds.). Transition Pathways towards Sustainability in Agriculture: Case Studies from Europe. CABI, Wallingford, Chapter 1, pp1-16.
- Karanikolas, P.; Viahos, G.; Sutherland, L.-A. (2015) Utilising the multi-level perspective in empirical field research: methodological considerations., In: Sutherland, L-A., Darnhofer, I., Wilson G. A. & Zagata, L. (eds.). Transition Pathways towards Sustainability in Agriculture: Case Studies from Europe. CABI, Wallingford, Chapter 4, pp51-66.
- Sutherland, L. A.; Zagata, L.; Wilson, G. (2015) Conclusions., In: Sutherland, L-A., Darnhofer, I., Wilson G. A. & Zagata, L. (eds.). Transition Pathways towards Sustainability in Agriculture: Case Studies from Europe. CABI, Wallingford, Chapter 14, pp205-214.
- Pinto-Correia, T.; Gonzalez, C.; Sutherland, L.-A.; Peneva, M. (2015) Lifestyle farming: countryside consumption and transition towards new farming models., In: Sutherland, L-A., Darnhofer, I., Wilson G. A. & Zagata, L. (eds.). Transition Pathways towards Sustainability in Agriculture: Case Studies from Europe. CABI, Wallingford, Chapter 5, pp67-82.
- Sutherland, L.-A.; Peter, S.; Zagata, L. (2015) On-farm renewable energy: a “classic case” of technological transition., In: Sutherland, L-A., Darnhofer, I., Wilson G. A. & Zagata, L. (eds.). Transition Pathways towards Sustainability in Agriculture: Case Studies from Europe. CABI, Wallingford, Chapter 9, pp127-142.
Technical / contract reports
- Beingessner, N.; Juarez Bourke, A.; Thompson, C.; Sutherland, L.; Creaney, R. (2024) Visions for Future Land Use in Scotland: Technical Report on Different Views on Land Use/Land Use Change, Land Use Transformations website.
- Beingessner, N.; Juarez Bourke, A.; Thompson, C.; Sutherland, L.; Creaney, R. (2023) Land Use Transformations Project (JHIC31) Milestone 12 – LULUC story telling draft findings, Project Milestone (M25), p8. Unpublished.
- Beingessner, N.; Juarez Bourke, A.; Thompson, C.; Sutherland, L.; Creaney, R. (2023) Milestone 25 LULUC story telling draft findings, Project Milestone Report, 20 September 2023, unpublished, 8 pp.
- Polhill, G.; Ibrahim, A.; Sutherland, L. (2023) Transformative Land Use Change A position paper for the Macaulay Development Trust, International Land Use Study Centre Report, The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK.
- Matthews, K.; Blackstock, K.; Miller, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Gandossi, G.; Sutherland, L.; Juarez-Bourke, A.; Creaney, R.; Martinat, S.; Nicholson, H.; Gimona, A.; Castellazzi, M.; Wilkins, B.; Aitkenhead, M.; Coull, M.; Parker, T.; Rivington, M.; Udugbezi, E. (2022) State-of-Play Reference Document for Land Use Transformations Project (JHIC31), Project Milestone Report Milestone 10, Online, 21pp.
- McKee, A.; Sutherland, L-A. (2021) The Changing Role of Women in Farming, Crofting, and the Agricultural Industry 20162021, Report published online and circulated to Scottish Government policy team (briefing to Cabinet Secretary).
- McKee, A.; Sutherland, L-A. (2021) The Changing Role of Women in Farming, Crofting, and the Agricultural Industry 20162021, Report published online and circulated to Scottish Government policy team (briefing to Cabinet Secretary).
- Kyle, C.E.; Sutherland, LA.; Porphyre,T. (2021) Understanding attitudes to biosecurity-small scale pig keepers, EPIC: Centre of Expertise on Animal Disease Outbreaks
- Hopkins, J.; Thomson, S.; Miller, D.G.; Sutherland, L-A.; Barlagne, C.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Barnes, A.; McMillan, J. (2021) How often does intended farm management behaviour match ‘actual’ behaviour? Insights for thirteen farm activities (2013-18)., Farmer Intentions Survey Briefing Note, March 2021, 8pp.
- Barlagne, C.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A..; Barnes, A.; MacMillan, J.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, M. (2021) Scottish farms, internet access and social media. Farmer intentions survey briefing note, March 2021
, RESAS Policy Briefing, Farmer Intentions Survey, March 2021, 10pp. - Kyle, C.E.; Sutherland, L-A. (2020) Understanding backyard poultry keepers and their perspectives on bird flu 2020., EPIC Webpages, Policy Brief, Survey Report,1 August 2021.
- McMillan, J.; Barnes, A.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, S.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland L-A.; Wardell-Johnson, D. (2020) Farmer responses to Brexit: Intentions to deliver more ‘public goods for public money’., 2018 Farmers’ Intention Survey: SEFARI Briefing Note 2, October 2019, 7pp.
- McMillan, J.; Barnes, A.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, S.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland L-A.; Wardell-Johnson, D. (2020) Farmer intentions survey: Regional dimensions to change., 2018 Farmers’ Intention Survey, SEFARI Briefing Note 3, January 2020, 7pp.
- Barnes, A.; MacMillan, J.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, M.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland L-A.; Matthews, K.B. (2020) Farmer responses to Brexit: an examination of different outlooks to Brexit., SEFARI Briefing Note, 6pp.
- Barnes, A.; MacMillan, J.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, M.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland L-A.; Matthews, K.B. (2020) Farmer responses to Brexit: attitudes towards risk in Scottish farming., SEFARI Briefing Note, 6pp.
- Blackstock, K.L.; Calo, A.; Currie, M.; Dinnie, L.; Eastwood, A.; MacLeod, K.; Matthews, K.B.; McKee, A.; Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M.; Sutherland,L-A.; Waylen, K.A. (2020) Issues arising from SLC’s Interim Report on Regional Land Use Partnerships – Evidence from the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme 2016-2021, Scottish Land Commission, Advice to Scottish Government on Regional Land Use Partnership, Appendix 3, 33pp.
- Kyle, C.E.; Sutherland, L-A. (2020) Understanding backyard poultry keepers and their perspectives on bird flu., Survey Report on EPIC Website, August 2020, 12 pp.
- Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Calo, A.; Barlagne, C.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Barnes, A.; Thomson, S.; McMillan, J.; Spencer, M. (2020) New entrants: their potential contribution to farming in Scotland by 2023., Farmer Intentions Survey Briefing Note, March 2020, 8pp.
- Barlagne, C.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Wardell Johnson, D.; Barnes, A.; Thompson, S.; McMillan, J.; Spencer, M. (2020) Diversification on Scottish farms: attitudes and future plans., Report o RESAS, Deliverable 242.02iib.
- Barnes, A.; McMillan, J.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, M.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Matthews, K.B. (2019) Farmer responses to Brexit: adoption of risk management behaviours., 2018 Farmers’ Intention Survey, SEFARI Briefing Note 1, July 2019, 6pp.
- Ellis, R.; Burns, V.; Sutherland, L-A..; Duckett, D.; Hopkins, J.; Kyle, C. (2019) The governance of small farms and small food businesses to support food and nutritional security., Report to European Commission 2019, 56pp.
- Sutherland, L-A.; Flanigan, S.; Brinks, H.; Kleshcheva, E.; Micheloni, C. (2018) WP3 Synthesis Report with supra-regional summaries., PLAID, EU Deliverable Report 3.4, Month 19, 32pp.
- McKee, A.; Sutherland, L-A.; Triste, L., Moschitz, H.; Marchand, F. (2018) NEFERTITI Conceptual Framework: Concepts and key factors for successful network establishment., Internal Project Publication (via collaborative platform).
- McKee, A.J.; Sutherland, L.; Hopkins, J.; Flanigan, S.; Rickett, A. (2018) Increasing the availability of farmland for new entrants to agriculture in Scotland., Final Report to the Scottish Land Commission, 76pp.
- Kyle, C.; Sutherland, L-A. (2018) Understanding backyard poultry keepers and their attitudes to biosecurity., Report published on EPIC website.
- Zagata, L.; Hrabak, J.; Lostak, M.; Ratinger, T.; Sutherland, L-A.; McKee, A. (2017) Research for AGRI Committee – Young farmers – policy implementation after the 2013 CAP reform., Scientific Report to European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department B Structure and Cohesion Policies. Agriculture and Rural Development, Brussels, 72pp.
- Shortall, S.; Sutherland, L-A.; McKee, A.; Hopkins, J. (2017) Women in farming and the agriculture sector., Final Report for the Environment and Forestry Directorate, Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division, Scottish Government, 9 June 2017, 184pp.
- Barlagne, C.; Sutherland, L-A. (2017) Non-commercial farming in Scotland., Report for Deliverable 2.4.2.
- Kyle, C.; Sutherland, L.-A. (2017) Smallflocks and biosecurity – preliminary report., Report for Scottish Government.
- Duckett, D.; Creaney, R.; Sutherland, L.A. (2015) Crofters and their advisory services: an analysis of crofters and their advisory services on Skye, Harris and Lewis., Report produced for ProAKIS European Project, 2 November 2015. The James Hutton Institute, 12pp.
Conference papers
- Beingessner, N.; Sutherland, L.; Creaney, R.; Juarez Bourke, A.; Thompson, C. (2023) Scottish Stakeholder Visions of Rural Land Use in a ‘Just Transition’, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, 29 August – 1 September 2023, London, UK
- McKee, A.; Sutherland, L.-A. (2021) Why land ownership matters Land ownership, land reform and new entrant access to land in Scotland , Conference presentation at Royal Geographical Society Conference – Session: Value/s, space and place in geography.
- Sutherland, L.A.; Madureira, L.; Dirimanova, V.; Bogusz, M.; Kania, J.; Vinohradnik, K.; Creaney, R.; Duckett, D.; Koehnen, T.; Knierim, A. (2016) New knowledge networks of small-scale farmers in Europe’s periphery., 12th European IFSA Symposium, Workshop: Generating spaces for innovation in agricultural and rural development, Harper Adams University, 12-15 July 2016.
- Duckett, D.; McKee, A.; Sutherland, L.A.; Kyle, C. (2015) Scenario planning as a communicative action., Policy and Politics Annual Conference, University of Bristol, 15-16 September 2015.
- Sutherland, L.A. (2014) Images of the idyl. Creating and maintaining lifestyle landscapes in Scotland., Presentation to Les Campagnes: Espaces d’innovation dans un monde urbain, Nantes, 3 June 2014.
- McKee, A.; Holstead, K.L.; Sutherland, L.A.; Pinto-Correia, T.; Guimaraes, H. (2014) ‘Shift happens’: co-constructing transition pathways towards the regional sustainability of agriculture in Europe., 11th European IFSA (International Farming Systems Association) Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 1-4 April 2014
- Sutherland, L.A.; Burton, R.J.F. (2011) Can we trust the neighbours? Using cultural capital to build social capital in Scotland., The XXIV European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, “Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas”, Chania, Greece, 22-25 August 2011.
- Sutherland, L.A.; Flanigan, S. (2011) Transdisciplinarity in practice: experiences in the FarmPath project., The XXIV European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, “Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas”, Chania, Greece, 22-25 August 2011.
- Darnhofer, I.; Sutherland, L.A. (2011) Advancing the conceptualisation of transition in farming systems., International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, 2nd, Lund, Sweden, 13-15 June 2011.
- Sutherland, L.A. (2010) GILDED work package one report: Stakeholder advisory groups and research dissemination., European Commission, July 2010.
- Sutherland, L.A. (2010) ‘Lifestyle’ farming: implications of non-commercial agriculturalists for a sustainable countryside., Farming for a Sustainable Countryside Symposium, Royal Geographical Society, University of Essex, 12-15 July, 2010.
- Sutherland, L.A. (2010) FarmPath: Farming transitions: Pathways towards regional sustainability of agriculture in Europe., Confronting the Challenges of the Post Crisis Global Economy and Environment, Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geography Annual Conference, London, 1 – 3 September, 2010.
- Polhill, J.G.; Galan-Diaz, C.R.; Gotts, N.M.; Craig, T.; Marshall, K.; Sutherland, L-A.; Kriel, A.; Fischer, A. (2010) The ODDness of modelling: early experiences from a transdisciplinary modelling exercise., Third World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS 2010), University of Kassel, Germany, 6-9 September 2010.
- Sutherland, L.A.; Brown, K.M. (2007) Strength in numbers? The neighbourhood effect in English organic farms., European Society for Rural Sociology Conference, XXII, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 20-24 August 2007.
- Small, L.A. (2006) Modelling social networks: An application for rural sociology?, The XII International Summer School, The Empire of Rules and the Ethics of Social Networks, Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia, Italy, 28 August – 8 September 2006.
- Small, L.A. (2006) The natural order of things? Why privatisation did not lead to family farming in Russia., Rural Sociology Society Annual Meeting, Louisville Kentucky, 10-13 August 2006.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Kyle, C.; Sutherland, L-A.; Porphyre, T. (2021) Understanding attitudes to biosecurity in small scale pig keepers, Hutton Annual Research Symposium 2021, 30 November – 2 December 2021, Online.
- Barlagne, C.; Calo, A.; Holstead, K.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Matthews, K.B.; Miller, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Barnes, A.; McMillan, J.; Spencer, M.; Thomson, S.; Toma, L. (2020) Farm Intentions Survey: Outputs and ongoing research from our work on rural industries., Key Rural Industries – WP2.4, End of Year Workshop, Saughton House, Edinburgh, 12 March 2020. (Poster and discussions with Scottish Government stakeholders).
- Sutherland, L-A. (2019) Gentrification by horse – assessing the embodiment of horses in rural gentrification processes., XXVIII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress (ESRS 2019), Rural Futures in A Complex World, Trondheim, Norway, 25-28 June 2019. (Abstract)
- Flanigan, S.; Sutherland, L-A.; Hardy, C. (2019) Working together towards ‘good farming’: developing community, collaboration and ‘best’ practice through on-farm demonstration., Trans Atlantic Rural Researchers Network Meeting, Aberdeen, 3-5 April 2019.
- Barlagne, C.; Duckett, D.; Kyle, C.; Sutherland, L-A. (2017) Managing genetic resources for increased sustainability of food sectors: an application to the potato sector in Scotland., Seventh International Conference on Food Studies Conference, Food Systems: Design and Innovation, Roma, Italy, 26-27 October 2017. (Poster)
- Shortall, O.; Sutherland, L.-A.; Ruston, A.; Kaler, J. (2017) True cowmen and commercial farmers: Exploring vets’ and dairy farmers’ contrasting views of “good farming” in relation to biosecurity, International Society fro Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health (ISESSAH), Aviemore, 27-28 March 2017. Poster presentation.
- Prager, K.; Kania, J.; Sutherland, L-A. (2014) AKIS diagram for the United Kingdom., PRO AKIS Regional Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-19 February 2014. (Poster)
- Prager, K.; Kania, J.; Sutherland, L-A. (2014) AKIS diagram for the Republic of Ireland., PROAKIS Regional Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-19 February 2014.
- Polhill, J.G.; Pignotti, E.; Sutherland, L.A.; Gotts, N.M.; Craig, T. (2012) Lessons learned relating qualitative evidence to decision rules in FEARLUS., Informal Workshop on “Qualitative Evidence to Agent Rules” Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester Metropolitan University, 19 September 2012.
- Miller, D.R.; Brown, I.; Donnelly, D.; Dunn, S.M.; Matthews, K.B.; Sutherland, L.A.; Towers, W. (2012) Realising land’s potential., Joint SAC/SEPA Biennial Conference in association with Forest Research, The James Hutton Institute and Scottish Natural Heritage “Agriculture and the Environment IX: Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions”, Edinburgh, 3-4 April 2012.
- Flanigan, S.; Sutherland, L.A. (2011) Transdisciplinarity in practice: experiences in the “FarmPath” project., Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net) Conference, Bern, 6 September 2011.
- Sutherland, L.A. (2011) Lifestyle farming: conceptualising farming as a consumption good., British Sociology Association Annual Conference, London School of Economics, London, 6-8 April 2011.
- Gotts, N.M.; Sutherland, L.A.; Cudlinova, E.; Kovach, I.; Reusswig, F.; Steg, E.M. (2009) The GILDED Project – Governance, infrastructure, lifestyle dynamics and energy demand: European post-carbon communities., North East Scotland Climate Change Partnership Meeting, 1 May 2009. Handout.
- Sutherland, L.A.; Gotts, N.M. (2009) GILDED: governance, infrastructure, lifestyle dynamics and energy demand: European post-carbon communities., OpenDoors, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, 5-6 June 2009.
- Sutherland, L.A. (2009) Climate change – it’s a household affair!, OpenDoors, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, 5-6 June 2009.
- Sutherland, L.A. (2009) GILDED research – you can help out!, OpenDoors, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, 5-6 June 2009.
- Sutherland, L.A. (2009) From organic farmers to good farmers: A comparative study of organic and conventional farming ideologies in England., The Joint 2009 Annual Meetings of the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society (AFHVS) and the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), Penn State University, State College, PA., 28-31 May 2009.
- Sutherland, L.A. (2009) Almost organic anyway: Case studies of low input farming in the UK., European Society fro Rural Sociology Congress, XXIII, Vaasa, Finland, 17-21 August 2009.
- Gotts, N.M.; Sutherland, L.A.; Cudlinova, E.; Kovach, I.; Reusswig, F.; Steg, E.M.; Carnegie, P. (2009) The GILDED Project – Governance, infrastructure, lifestyle dynamics and energy demand: European post-carbon communities., International Scientific Congress on Climate Change, Copenhagen, 10-12 March 2009.