
Now available: July 2024 issue of Hutton Highlights

The latest issue of Hutton Highlights, our e-magazine showing how Hutton science is driving the sustainable use of land and natural resources, is now available from our Hutton Highlights page.

Hutton Highlights

Hutton Highlights Hutton Highlights is The James Hutton Institute’s electronic review. The HH magazine offers an overview of our latest advances in

Taking Scotland’s rainforests to Davos

As biodiversity hotspots, Scotland’s rainforests are internationally important. The sheer quantity, diversity and rarity of the lichens, mosses and liverworts they are home to is stunning and a joy to experience.

Soil maps

Soil maps To view a wide range of soil and land capability maps online please visit Scotland’s Soils website or the National Library

Green finance: navigating the future of sustainable investment

Green finance has become a new buzz phrase; an economic lever to help drive environmental solutions that address the climate and ecological crises. Here in Scotland, it’s an idea already being put into practise, with initiatives like the Facility for Investment Ready in Nature in Scotland (FIRNS) programme.