Analytical services

We offer a range of specialised testing and analytical services to support research, industry, and environmental management. Our expertise includes soil analysis, water testing, microbiology and isotope analysis.

With cutting-edge facilities and a commitment to excellence, we deliver reliable results tailored to meet the unique demands of your projects. Explore our services to learn how we can help achieve your goals.

The soil analysis offered encompasses soil chemistry, physics, biology, and genomics and is well supported with technical and scientific expertise.
We carry out a wide range of analysis on geological samples ranging from imaging, minerology, identifying unknowns, to dating.
Advanced techniques, including chromatography, mass spectrometry, spectroscopy and microscopy are employed to identify and quantify contaminants.
We are quipped to carry out chemical and biological analyses of water, wastewater, natural water, brines and produced waters.
We specialise in analysing natural products such as seaweed, medicinal plants, and cannabis components, enhancing quality and product development.
We are one of a few companies globally that has ISO 17020 accreditation for Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) certification.
MicroResp™ overcomes both the disadvantage of sole carbon source growth tests, and the space required for conventional respiration methods. 
Mylnefield Lipid Analysis is a leading laboratory for the specialist analysis of oils, fats and lipid products.
Our team has over three decades of experience implementing our microbiology techniques within industry, Government bodies, and research institutions. 
Emerging Contaminants (ECs) are newly identified chemicals or biological agents that are detected in the environment and are potentially hazardous.
Isotopes can be used as powerful tool for investigating a wide range of environmentally significant processes.
Using a range of isotope techniques we are able to carry out an array of bulk and compound isotope analysis.
We can provide services from eDNA extraction through to provision of DNA sequences for bacterial and fungal diversity.
We hosts the world-leading Centre for Forensic Soil Science, which specialises in the analysis of soils, ecological and environmental materials.

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